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Zan`z Car Parables

Modern Parables, where your body is the car, you are the driver.
Tags: Car-Parables  Life  Guide  Reality  Oneness 
For all of these imagine your body is like a car, your soul is the passenger or driver.

Don't worry if the car ages and rusts, the passenger can always get a new car.
As long as the passenger, hasn't spent all of its money, on doing the first car up.


A good engine will get you from A-X faster, yet when you get out of the car, you still have to walk too Z.


If you have your suspension to tight, you will have a ruff ride.


All the money in the world, can't buy you a new passenger.


What's the point in having breaks and then reverse if you don't use it.


When a car gets in front of you, first be patient, second press your horn; third don't smash into them, as you will damage your car in the process.


Make sure the car is serviced regularly!


The passenger is more important then the car.


If emergency lights flash it means something is wrong, fix the problem by what light flashes. Don't cut the wire to the light, so it doesn't flash, yet the problem remains.


Keep your car clean, so you can see where you are going.


Stick in oil and water to keep the car running properly.


There is no point adding tons of things to the outside and polishing it all day. Yet leaving the inside a mess and only worrying about the outside, yet not spending the time to make the passenger comfortable. As you may attract people to the car to ride with you, yet when they get in, they won't stay long, as the inside will be dirty and won't be comfortable.


You can drive along with another car if you like the model and want to take a closer look, yet you have to get out, to get in. As driving along is part of growing up.


Don't keep driving with out a rest for the passenger. It is good for the car as well as it stops it from getting worn out from overheating. So while the passenger rests; the car can take a break, from being over worked.


Learning to drive well makes you a confident driver, yet if you are unsure of your cars capabilities, you will always be wary.


Don't let the driving get in the way of where the passenger is heading, if there are obstacles in the way learn to avoid them.


When you pass your test, you must know the rules of the road, try to stick to them through the whole journey, and you won't loose your driving licence.


The passenger must switch the lights on, to see where it is going in the dark.


If you see someone without their lights on, you flash yours to show them to switch theirs on. Not turn yours off and follow their bad example.


Having a light on a car and when you can't see where you are going, not switching it on is insane.


You can have an idiot in a Ferrari, who will crash it, and you can have a noble in a normal car, that will last a lot longer.


Without an engine your car won't run, so look after it and the batteries, else slowly the engine won't start.


Don't go too fast as you will endanger you and other drivers, on the road.


Pay attention to the road ahead.


Spend time to reflect where you are on the road.


Many drivers forget to use their mirror, and get into bad practise. Many times in crashes, it is because the drivers should have checked where they were on the road first, and so then collisions don't arise.


Don't drink and drive.


The car may age fast, yet the passenger doesn't.


If you spend all your time worrying what paint and things to add to your car; what happens when the car is gone? The passenger is poor.
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 Re: Zan`z Car Parables

Posted: 2022/11/10 12:44  Updated: 2022/11/10 12:51


Joined: 2004/3/26
From: Nottingham, UK
Posts: 2945
Whilst in our car, we only see the external beauty of others.

Rather than compete with congestion, creating our own way, provides plenty of room to expand.