Cannabis information within all religions; to be religious infringement globally.
Now considering how much trouble some of these clubs and peoples are having and the fact cannabis is being used for medical purpose again as God intended, and as the disciples and Christ used throughout the Bible.
We feel this is the missing part of our society that it is not holy and this will seriously change matters if made more public again as should be.
Now Cannabis is not what they call an intoxicant as it joins to the Cannabinoid receptors in the brain as a natural process of nature.
Now within the anointing oil in the Bible this was officially announced in 1980 by the Hebrew University; yet is observable in any Strongs concordance or lexicon as the words are the same just not translated i.e. Kaneh bosom.
This is also the case in the Quran, yet only verified by me, so far yet it is quite clear and similar in the in which the miss translation had been put into the bible as we see.
As with this being the case the oil in the Bible made correctly and holy
Is far better then cannabis alone as most of the other parts also heal and clean the blood supply.
It does say in Mark in the bible that disciples healed with oil and Christ means anointed one, Christians means anointed ones, not a religion yet a way.
So instead of these being against us they need informing correctly that it is a holy plant and as such all should be done in accordance as each ingredient is holy in each religious books world wide.
In Hindu texts it is part of the soma and the ancient anointing oil.
In the Quran there is the word Zanjabil =ginger and Kafur = Cannabis as the region of Kiefur is known for growing cannabis as was Canna in the bible.
Also they put henna is sweet and aromatic which it isn't to taste, yet cannabis is, and they will sit on couches and discuss, it is recorded in the Quran
In Shinto it is the holy plant and most items are made of cannabis and hemp, the incense of the ancient also is made with cannabis.
So in most of these findings it can all be backed up
Yet single handily, we are useless alone?
Yet as people who stand together and remind everyone life is precious and holy, for the sake of our ill and people who suffer.
If this is allowed back into society and back into being regal as it is the plant of kings as mentioned in the bible yet disguised as it is to anoint.
It makes a compound when mixed with oils as THC, the active ingredient is fat soluble we found this at 12 in scientific research we did as of the lies taught in our society and knew subconsciously it was in the religion yet wasn't sure until recently with more research, my sister is also a neuroscientist, and so we have greatly gone depths as a family into this subject globally, and as such, it is religious infringement that has to stop.
And so when in the anointing oil it heals many ailments and this is the meaning of Christians.
Hope this helps all and please tell everyone as the sooner we stop this fear of cannabis the better it makes us as people on the whole.
As if Christ's being kings of the earth are in paranoia, as they don't realise cannabis is holy then their yolk, will be taken as spoken in Isaiah.
This is referring our yolk to our faith and so the faith drops if cannabis isn't holy
This must be intact for it to heal correctly as the mind is powerful deterrent of illnesses, if given its rightful possession of authority and not closed mindedness to God
Thinking they are sinning doing what God intended is where it goes wrong; as you have to smile and laugh which releases dopamine and so produce positive blood cells and so healing it isn't an experiment and in this is the fault of it not being holy and fun.
Now considering how much trouble some of these clubs and peoples are having and the fact cannabis is being used for medical purpose again as God intended, and as the disciples and Christ used throughout the Bible.
We feel this is the missing part of our society that it is not holy and this will seriously change matters if made more public again as should be.
Now Cannabis is not what they call an intoxicant as it joins to the Cannabinoid receptors in the brain as a natural process of nature.
Now within the anointing oil in the Bible this was officially announced in 1980 by the Hebrew University; yet is observable in any Strongs concordance or lexicon as the words are the same just not translated i.e. Kaneh bosom.
This is also the case in the Quran, yet only verified by me, so far yet it is quite clear and similar in the in which the miss translation had been put into the bible as we see.
As with this being the case the oil in the Bible made correctly and holy

Is far better then cannabis alone as most of the other parts also heal and clean the blood supply.
It does say in Mark in the bible that disciples healed with oil and Christ means anointed one, Christians means anointed ones, not a religion yet a way.
So instead of these being against us they need informing correctly that it is a holy plant and as such all should be done in accordance as each ingredient is holy in each religious books world wide.
In Hindu texts it is part of the soma and the ancient anointing oil.
In the Quran there is the word Zanjabil =ginger and Kafur = Cannabis as the region of Kiefur is known for growing cannabis as was Canna in the bible.
Also they put henna is sweet and aromatic which it isn't to taste, yet cannabis is, and they will sit on couches and discuss, it is recorded in the Quran

In Shinto it is the holy plant and most items are made of cannabis and hemp, the incense of the ancient also is made with cannabis.
So in most of these findings it can all be backed up

Yet single handily, we are useless alone?
Yet as people who stand together and remind everyone life is precious and holy, for the sake of our ill and people who suffer.
If this is allowed back into society and back into being regal as it is the plant of kings as mentioned in the bible yet disguised as it is to anoint.
It makes a compound when mixed with oils as THC, the active ingredient is fat soluble we found this at 12 in scientific research we did as of the lies taught in our society and knew subconsciously it was in the religion yet wasn't sure until recently with more research, my sister is also a neuroscientist, and so we have greatly gone depths as a family into this subject globally, and as such, it is religious infringement that has to stop.
And so when in the anointing oil it heals many ailments and this is the meaning of Christians.
Hope this helps all and please tell everyone as the sooner we stop this fear of cannabis the better it makes us as people on the whole.
As if Christ's being kings of the earth are in paranoia, as they don't realise cannabis is holy then their yolk, will be taken as spoken in Isaiah.
This is referring our yolk to our faith and so the faith drops if cannabis isn't holy

This must be intact for it to heal correctly as the mind is powerful deterrent of illnesses, if given its rightful possession of authority and not closed mindedness to God

Thinking they are sinning doing what God intended is where it goes wrong; as you have to smile and laugh which releases dopamine and so produce positive blood cells and so healing it isn't an experiment and in this is the fault of it not being holy and fun.
Please copy this and spread it where is needed as explanation