With many fakes,
Hesitation's made many mistakes;
Yet what is really the fate,
We create.
If a taker takes,
Does it make us partake?
Or should we aspire to circumnavigate,
Maybe change and relate,
Give instead,
With righteous dread.
Fear from loathing,
Creates many haters scathing;
Yet really reality is bathing,
In disharmony unavailing.
So to contemplate giving,
In all action we're living;
So together as one,
The world becomes one song.
Hesitation's made many mistakes;
Yet what is really the fate,
We create.
If a taker takes,
Does it make us partake?
Or should we aspire to circumnavigate,
Maybe change and relate,
Give instead,
With righteous dread.
Fear from loathing,
Creates many haters scathing;
Yet really reality is bathing,
In disharmony unavailing.
So to contemplate giving,
In all action we're living;
So together as one,
The world becomes one song.