If there is power in the name,
Shouldn't it mean the same?
To change it is a shame,
Yeshua means 'God is our saviour' from Hell,
Yet 'jesus' we couldn't tell.
He came here pure and bright,
And said it right;
Worship the Father in truth,
Right from the start of our youth.
Even though sometimes we maybe uncouth,
Hold this as truth,
Yeshua gives strength indeed;
Yet he never taught greed.
God is one,
And all who live;
If only we give.
The more we take,
The worse we make,
Our own fate;
That we create.
All is one,
Everyone a son;
Different in our ways,
Due to different days.
Up and down we go,
Until we learn the flow;
Then we can let it show.
We could live a perfect life,
Without the strife;
Everyone a star so bright,
Each one precious with it's own light.
Shouldn't it mean the same?
To change it is a shame,
Yeshua means 'God is our saviour' from Hell,
Yet 'jesus' we couldn't tell.
He came here pure and bright,
And said it right;
Worship the Father in truth,
Right from the start of our youth.
Even though sometimes we maybe uncouth,
Hold this as truth,
Yeshua gives strength indeed;
Yet he never taught greed.
God is one,
And all who live;
If only we give.
The more we take,
The worse we make,
Our own fate;
That we create.
All is one,
Everyone a son;
Different in our ways,
Due to different days.
Up and down we go,
Until we learn the flow;
Then we can let it show.
We could live a perfect life,
Without the strife;
Everyone a star so bright,
Each one precious with it's own light.