Zanda | 2007/8/22 | Views: 2833 | Comments: 5Categories: Religious ResolutionAs the founding book of most Christian's beliefs, it is completely and utterly Anti-Christ, the Bible foretells this will happen, yet clergy don't care, as long as they get paid....Zanda | 2023/8/25 | Views: 166 | Comments: 4Categories: Religious ResolutionAs requested by some, I've wrote to the Chief Rabbi in the UK, to explain what God has given me prophetically before Judgement Day.Zanda | 2015/1/30 | Views: 1190 | Comments: 4Categories: Religious ResolutionA clear explanation of the contradictions between John, and the synoptic gospels.Zanda | 2006/8/5 | Views: 1029 | Comments: 2The commandments re-written as a guide to enlightenment and how to find Heaven, in this world and the next...Zanda | 2024/9/13 | Views: 48 | Comments: 2Categories: Religious ResolutionExplaining some of the prophecies showing where I'm named after the King of Kings to fulfil religious prophecy globally.Zanda | 2006/8/6 | Views: 580 | Comments: 2Categories: Religious ResolutionThe Mustard Seed is quoted in most Religions and is about the judgement, so if you can't hear, this may help!Zanda | 2020/10/2 | Views: 307 | Comments: 2Categories: PoetryRiddles & Rhymes, Where Spirituality Divides.Zanda | 2006/8/6 | Views: 2696 | Comments: 2Categories: Religious ResolutionThe word Mammon that Yeshua used, has been wrongly translated.Zanda | 2006/8/6 | Views: 264 | Comments: 1Categories: Spiritual OnenessModern Parables, where your body is the car, you are the driver.SyGnUs | 2007/1/24 | Views: 315 | Comments: 1Categories: PoetryVision without reason holds the grass is not as green, yetthe side that were all looking from we haven't really seen.Consider all emotion using reason as a guide, and seethat vision narrows faced with compromise or pride.To never change one's vantage p...SyGnUs | 2007/1/23 | Views: 455 | Comments: 1Categories: PoetryFor you I write this simple poem, exposing parts of me. Why?You've seen me as a victim of the things that I don't see. Believe me,There's nowhere in your mind that you can go I haven't been. It's Just,the game that's going on rite now, not everyone can...Zanda | 2012/10/19 | Views: 250 | Comments: 1Categories: PoetryA Poem About How People Like to Feel Shock, Before SkillZanda | 2021/11/26 | Views: 258 | Comments: 1Categories: Religious ResolutionGlobal religion has become confused since Babylon, as the Rabbi have muddled up the language; mixing the ideas of Divine Beings, and God as the same.