Zanda | 2024/11/21 | Views: 35Categories: Religious ResolutionHere is the letter warning the Beth Din & Chief Rabbi, of what God sent me with before the Great Tribulation.Zanda | 2024/9/13 | Views: 48Categories: Religious ResolutionExplaining some of the prophecies showing where I'm named after the King of Kings to fulfil religious prophecy globally.Zanda | 2024/6/14 | Views: 50Categories: Spiritual OnenessDefining a new universal system, that we already call Oneness.Zanda | 2024/3/10 | Views: 57Categories: Religious ResolutionReligion has been confused since Babylon, as the Bible was about the Creator Divine Being, with the God Most High above him.Zanda | 2023/8/3 | Views: 61Categories: Religious ResolutionA quick guide to fixing Some of the religions, for one unified global theology.Zanda | 2023/10/22 | Views: 66Categories: Religious ResolutionSince things will keep escalating without fixing the roots of a problem; here is what is causing the tumultuous divisions in the Middle East's theology.Zanda | 2023/9/6 | Views: 68Categories: Religious ResolutionAn examination of where the Bible showed not to eat meat, and how at Judgement Day the Ravenous Beings are to be removed.Zanda | 2023/8/21 | Views: 73Categories: Religious ResolutionWhat are the main causes of Judgement Day, and is it rectifiable?Zanda | 2023/9/27 | Views: 74Categories: Religious ResolutionThere is a promise that the Lord will bring rest to the people, and be their king amongst them.Zanda | 2023/10/20 | Views: 82Categories: Spiritual OnenessA quick explanation of why God exists as Zero, before the Oneness of reality was created.Zanda | 2023/8/6 | Views: 84Categories: Religious ResolutionMany of the world's religious followers are lead to follow cultism, instead of true religion.Zanda | 2024/2/1 | Views: 84Categories: Religious ResolutionWhat the majority believe about Christ being crucified, is the exact opposite, and here is an explanation of why the world has already been lead to be anti-Christ's doctrine.Zanda | 2024/2/29 | Views: 84Categories: Religious ResolutionReligions are divided due to theological incompatibilities, and by correcting that Jehovah is a description, and not a name, this could help unify religion globally.