Re: How come everyone uses the bible so much?
Posted by qOLOp on 1092512131
Mayan and Eygptians had prophocies of a messiah coming with knowledge and concerning the cross
a cross use to mean infinity and a monument and in ancient hebrew
dont know why it disappered out of the current langauge?
Eygptians had been told by osiris that he would return
as did the Mayans by Itzamna
both teaching wisdom and a son of the creator!
after the flood the bible says we landed on a great plain
some of the earliest cultures,were where there was cultavation india is one of the 1st and then we spread from there
if you look at the ancient hebrew site you will see it is pictrograms as are most early cultures
therefore eden/alantis/mu was in the pacific as most culture next to that around the pacific follow suit and easter island's statues point towards it as light houses for sailors
oh yeh the mayans had the 13 dimensions with pacal yet he said he was god
Christ added 2 commandments and if you read my artical on the dimensions you will see why i say there there should be one more commandment making 13 and the dimensions from studying most beliefs
The Mayans Calender ends in 2012 as does the Eygptians
The photon belt hits around the same time so all books match
There are loads more bits have a look it is amazing what you can find
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