Have you ever seen them? Jets leaving those contrails in patterns. Ever remember what was going on politically or globally at the sametime? Coincidence?
Did you see the sometimes purple patches on the lawn the next morning? Coincidence? What is it?
It's something that will cause things to happen later. When it rains and evaporates so we can breath it into our bodies. Then it turns into a crystal inside your body. Why you ask? (I hope you do)
You remember The Gulf war when the Iraq's surrender in groves, very unusual for a religion that when you die in battle you go to heaven. They used what they called a psych op weapon (which they only said that once on the news never to be spoke again).
This was a byproduct of Haarp. Beamed from planes overhead. Using differant frequency they can cause certain behavour. OK, what's that got to do with the contrails in the sky? How do crystals react to frequency? If that purple stuff grows with seed planted in the gound, what happens?
Some suggested reading: Montauk Project by Preston Nichols and book two: Montauk Revisited by Preston Nichols. I don't recommend book three I felt that there was disinformation in that book, but you decide for your self.
These two books go into Haarp, aliens and more. Do not despair. There is good news in there too.
I also recommend the website
www.hootenization.comWe'll talk more later. Go in Peace
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