"Humanity was created to have an endless variety of personalities for the purpose of gaining infinite varieties of experience," according to Owen Waters, Author of the Shift, The Revolution of Human Consciousness.
www.InfiniteBeingPublishing.comRing a bell, doesn't it...
Sure chimes in for me. It is lyrical like a song played upon piano keys, building one note upon another, chord upon chord, taking on a consciousness of its own, seeking just the right development in tune with the greater symphony.
I feel chimerical...a spiritual awakening bursting forth within. I am the student who seeks to lead and takes action when I've listened to my own inner intuition and followed my dream awakened within.
My heart hears the song of a global dream, a united vision that awakens me from a sound sleep and beckons me to hum its tune. Directing me to delve deeper, reach a little higher and expand into unknown territories, new thought and acceptance I'd missed only just yesterday.
What chimes true for you?
Could you please take a moment and hum a little of your tune?
Some tunes will resonate loud and strong? Others soft and melodic, some filled with power more like the beating of a drum. Others will be of such a quality as to cause goose bumps upon the skin, whenever you hear their chord struck just so. Some will communicate clearly and others in chaos seeming wild and untamed. Some will fit the moment and others the locale. There will be those chimes and notes that bleed into the hearts of those who hear the silence.
Listening with an open heart,

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