Getting a more successful point across. Don't abuse this!

Posted by David_Goodpasture on 1138504965
Say what it is you mean in the widest and the best number of different variations you can think of. Then describe each one in different words, yet concluding the same definition. For example, here's one that Ghandi said.. and since I love it so much; I'll improve upon it even more so it has a wider impact. Wider impact is only a result of a better understanding from the reader/listener. Make them understand and feel the emotion and truth, and they will change. Just as I have.

*original quote* Ghandi, "We are the change we wish to see in the world."

We are the change that we desire. Act accordingly.

The change we hope for is within the people that can realize it needs to be changed; We walk amongst the desired change, which is the people.

Change will not come to one, one must make change. In these times of poverty and terror there is no room for procrastination.

Let's be the change we wish to see you guys. There's no one to blame in the end but ourselves. Let's do this.

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