Re: Indigo & Crystal Children

Posted by suzyq on 1140726109
Why the interest?

What makes these children who by the way many are now adults, so special?

First sit back and relax, open your heart and your mind to a world you may have never pondered before. Each of us is born into a life stream consciousness of color. It is true. New colors are arriving as the shift of consciousness awakens us. Some come into this world already conscious and others wake upon their journey.

Seems the interest begins somewhere in the middle, so we will start there. After all their story is where the new beginning takes place.

Indigo children...perhaps you may recognize some of the basic traits. These are our children who took to computers almost from kindergarten, some even sooner. They were writing code by gradeschool and knew computers, electronics and games better than people three times their experience and age. I just sat back and let my indigo boys lead the way into the computer age. I still pretend I can not run a DVD player or a remote control, just to watch their magic! SSSHHH! Perhaps we have some indigos right here among us...ya think? Of course we and you and you!

It was funny, just today as my 21 year old indigo came into my office to exclaim, "Mom, what are you doing on that computer still!"

Eight hours had already passed...HMMM! Yes, what am I doing? I had been here all day, (minus rotating some laundry, and letting the animals in and out, two phone calls, writing a few articles, mostly chit chat with others online) since he had left for Avionics classes early this morning. I smiled!

"Why you set a great example for me!" We both laughed. Eight hours less than an average day for him!

"It is what I do now to be in service to all of you." He grins.

Then he finds out I am learning to play Runescape, could this also be true? "Yep!" I must have 1,000 questions as my face lights up with glee and I fill with such excitement, my very first game! "Amazing," were the only words I heard.

Change is possible if we allow it. If we want it bad enough. Honestly, I will no doubt never catch up to them in mastery, but in all amazement I did learn a few things from each along the way. I still do each day, for these are the children with the patience to teach those like myself, who are humbly willing to be taught by someone younger, and often brighter than self.

They are the new beginning we yearn for. These souls are often fearless as they have already discerned their true path and know where their journey leads. They face it head on.

Some may not say out loud, yet they know. Not all chose parents who could understand them or make the transition on earth a simple one from the beginning, others chose again and landed on doorsteps like my own or made it by sheer willpower, prayer and good fortune. More important they believe in themselves. They are the great accomplishers in life.

According to Lee Carroll and Jan Tober, authors of The Indigo Children, there are four different types of indigos. I have had the pleasure to be in the presence of each. There is the humanist, the conceptual, the artist, and the interdimensional. These children are naturally intuitive. They do not need to be told things. I even dare to say I wouldn't reccomend it ever! Suggest, perhaps! They just know and assume you should as well. A great frustration occurs when you admit you don't get it. So play day you just might if you pay attention and listen! To listen means to be silent if you had any doubt still. I thought for a time one of my kids was going to use tape on my mouth to get this point across! Stop laughing Zan! I hid the tape!

They have bridged the way from the third dimension to the fourth dimension. They are the makers of the rainbow bridge. The colors are changing. Do not get caught up in this or that for it will change before you can have it all straight in your minds eye. Let it flow. Trust and have faith.

Fo me I hear it more than see as the changes are occurring, although at times both are still present in some. It is just that the numbers are creating such a resonance of sound it is hard not to notice the song! Much like a piano playing one can look back over the ages and define men and women by the black and white keys, the notes, the chords and assign each one charachteristics. This I will follow up on soon. The building of the song is the predictor of the new shift the world awaits.

I ask you not to fear, embrace the song and the change. Do you not hear it yet? Listen with ears that do no hear and faintness will grow within your heart! Listen to the sweet rapture of the musical chords blended in the sweetest of melodies manifesting Heaven on earth. It will be done, this is not the illusion, it is happening now, even while we still practice and hit an off key, a missed note here or there...understand?


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