Re: The Ultimate Biblical Question

Posted by suzyq on 1145840724
Thanks Dude! Your additions were right on.

Zan! I agree it is so long and we have heard it many times.
I for one did not finish reading...I began scanning it...honest after page one and one half.

It needs condensed, being excessively wordy myself, this is not an area I can assist you with.

Perhaps though, heeding Dude's council is in order. Hit the highlights and do not add so much detail, some sections are excessively long. Qoutes we all know by heart. Biblical Historians, even lay people, get the rest or they can seek it out. We have all the resources on our site do we not?

Leave them something to look up and ponder. Be the compass not "the works". You are attempting to do all the labor for everyone. Lead, yet do not do the chores of all other followers and questioners. Who is the slave then?

Loving Gratitude,

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