Re: Is Satan the Sister Spirit and Espoused Wife of Jesus Christ
Posted by BurntOffering on 1151097976
Im sorry, but I dont understand what youre saying or even if you are talking to me; BurntOffering. Since English is my first lanuage and I can only speak a little Latin Like Lawyers, Jimmy the Greek or a NY Italian I can say quite truthfully that the Bible is in a Form of "Pig Latin". This happened when Jesus met the man named legion who was filled with many demons. So when GOD sent those Pigs into the "Drink" "Sea" or Waters, God really sent those S/Wine into the Last Days, the Win and the Wine. Its as "IF" we all spoke the "Kings James English" before God turned the language into Babble. Then we unknowingly like the disobedient kids of God we are, turned it into a game more commonly known as Scrabble. But even in this game Every Alpha Bet, and Cardinal number 0-9 has a certain power, principle, directive and place. The whole Bible is a Joke, most folks still dont get yet, and this is why GOD is Not Mocked. We are because God made a sure Bet B Twian Her Son and Daughter knowing in the End it would be a Win Win Situation of all of us. Knowing what each letter can do or does is explained aka by the "S" which stands for Spirit. Its the same letter upside down, but the S can move to left or right of WORD(S). This of course lets us actually see GOD's double edge S/Word. It proves why calling GOD SHe is more appriapoe
Now I'm sure many books of the bible were removed, but that still doesnt change the game,of Simon Says. Nor the Price Men" will have to pay for doing such a thing. The "Trick" is to see the S/Witch and by looking at the word knowing Witch is Which. All the while knowing that every word of the bible shall be fulfilled.
If you are talking to me; youll have to be more clear, and write in English cause I'm a product of Public Schools.
Peace out
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