Re: The Bible has had unconditional love removed from it.
Posted by Zedek on 1153221159
Very true!
Considering how much a lotus flower looks like a woman, then how will we ever find wisdom with out our books written by women to understand them, that should be in the Bible as we speak, yet nope suppress women and the worst is most don't even know. Lol
So give women back their respect as prophetess and teachers of man also and we can start to get this world back on track.
And according to texts that are there...
After the rapture should remove all judgemental and all that can't understand enlightenment, so should be fun after and many of us see this.
Even if it takes longer we can always try getting the real truths back again and start where it was stolen i.e. genesis lol is atomic theory and quantum sciences we see from latest scientific research, so how much has been removed is my quest-ion..
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