Re: End of Kali dream
Posted by wizanda on 1107964886
Thx for the info
Most of my dreams in my life have come true or have a reflection on my life
The dreams was to do with the ending of the age of kali, i was given a scroll by someone of great influence with in the heavens
it appeared to be the caretaker as i have had in other dreams i.e. The one God, yet in Indian ceremonial robes of Asia
it is prophesied in Hindu texts of shiva's return and an end to the age of limitation
I feel from what i have read and heard that Kali also tried to control Shiva
From the thing i have been shown in my life and many of the prophecies i now fulfil, i feel i could help resolve a lot of religious deputes with a true understanding of heaven and the workings of much of the universes spiritual aspects
the only thing i am not sure on is how to make it public knowledge
why i made this is site in the first place, in the hopes it would help show some of the things
yet as you can see not many people post even though 1000's look, yet people don't see all as they are to busy surfing
Any help would be appreciated.
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