politics/religion OR spirituality

Posted by truthbearer on 1165811962
Religion is not the same as spirituality.

Spirituality is all about adhering to spiritual laws. which religion, nor any hierachial order, does not do.

Religons and politics are intrinsically linked. Because of who or what is at the head of governments, and what is at the 'head' of religions. (there is an interaction going on between the non-physical realms of false gods (calling themselves 'ascended masters'.. when they have ascended nowhere and mastered nothing in particular, and the covert, elite, very small but very powerful group of people in control of this planet.. called Illuminati/Andromedan-Anu Hybrid/Anu Remnants/Anu/Nibiruian Drakonians (they are reptiliions on other planes of reality, using a physical human body to live a normal life).

(if you feel confronted at this knowledge Beloved, go within, or use a pendulum to authenticate, what your mental mind cannot).

God/source/souls, do not want prayer or praying, they want communication and collaboration - communion. When one prays to god/jesus/mary... it is not they that hear, nor do they want to hear. This is tantamount to begging (spirit asks we INTEND AND COMMAND our reality .. and learn about the manifestation techniques and mechanisms).

There are beings that appropriate this chi (as one loses chi in prayer and praying) they are Sananda, Yawheh/yehod, and Lady Nada.

In truth we Ascend
And not all Truth is sweet, beauty and love.
HOwever we do not ascend in ignorance - this is called 'lifting veils' - and it is these beings, and their immense control we are ascending from.

Earthmother deems these beings as a "large insidious, hierachial tree, with their branches outspread pretending protection, and their roots so deep and widespread, infiltrating and corrupting everything good and beautiful. The only solution is to ascend"

Namaste and Blessings

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