Re: politics/religion OR spirituality
Posted by truthbearer on 1165900956
Ascension is ascending the now-less consciousness and the biology to the next dimension - instead of dying and going to the astral (as we have been doing).
If you have incarnated into a physical form, you have a limited consciousmind - it will be this limitation that will prevent your ascension.
Although it is a right of passage afforded to every ensouled human - it doesnt just happen.
Humanity, the etheric body and your physical form, is bound by too much karmic debt.
We do not ascend with karma.
We ascend by raising the consciousmind - knowing all the sacred truths and sciences of transcendation and ascension.
Then we ascend
The practise of yoga will not ascend you, as there is nothing in the practise that will transmute all polarity thoughtform and transform you.
Namaste and Blessings
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