Ways to Fix Global Warming

Posted by wizanda on 1169164098






Result of planting

Remedies or cures to illnesses


Plant Figs

Found at Echo cave in Africa, these have the deepest roots

This will reach the under water basin and bring enough water up from arid areas to begin the process of rebirth of the land.

Help  part of the bodies immunes system and are the natural home of wasps.


Plant Horse-Chestnuts

These have the widest root span.

This will make sure no energy is lost by the soil process and provide more top soil to begin forestation.

These have a high content of Sapoins, something that effects the central core of the immune system.


Plant Cannabis

These are fast growing and spreading within a year.

Growing at high temperatures to begin and producing high levels of oxygen for it's rate of growth.

Missing part of the anointing oil in the bible, making a cure to many alignments as written.


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