Re: Tpl Vs Html

Posted by wizanda on 1176327891
ok multimenu done now also will add it to on the SVN did want to fix it to be 100% w3c and will....tried capture and failed it takes to long and more resources....then facing a style out of context...yet fair enough...lots of Snazzy menu's or face making one alone...will stick with loads tho don't use many others might and so make it that it works for all is always best to do.

Anyways thats most of this site...think all....will check and get all odd bits tidy....

Other thing is with this that Js load the theme so maybe a js system dummy is better and has on my home server copy and here for ahile testing and there is no repeated disk movement looking for the file it just has maybe...anyways that is Tpl of Xoops wizanda style done....

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