Re: AMD and Power Now isn't on in Windows as Standard
Posted by wizanda on 1176493908
Now that's what I call wow wiz-and-a speed
Just done something that required my processor to actually test (if you know what i mean), there are many things you can do that won't test, yet this does always...... multiple file openings and other tasks also at the same time = (windows media 11 playing auto-play from firewire hard drive, web connections windows x2 and then opened a folder with 35 PHP files.....into Weaverslave...that use to take quadruple the time, first it would start ok and then a slow end, now windows has caught on that the processor has speeded it's self up, it doesn't slow near the end of opening anymore it increases.
So glad called here wiz-and-a hope it make sense frequency, one light, one world, one reality, lets sort it and figure out why our frequencies have dropped and then we will all be a lot happier, if we then don't have to wait for the sense to feel like we should.
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