Re: The Meaning of Life
Posted by qOLOp on 1117548403
As It was said in previous posts; We are eternal souls. God is another soul. We take bodies. Because of this, we go through the dualism of matter (happiness, suffering - remembering, forgetting- victory, defeat - day, night, etc.) also know as Ying-Yang by others or even "entropy" if applied to this change between 2 states. All souls are different in their capacities (intellects, abilities, etc.) and they have a predetermined role which they play when they take a body. This predestined role is not "you" but it is what you have to play at a certain time. You the soul take different bodily lives and therefore have different roles to play. Thus, the meaning of life in this material world is to experience and to express our particular role. Since we are eternal, we act different roles. We normally get caught up with one "life", we normally have a limited vision therefore, we can't see life in an unlimited vision, as a soul but rather as a perishable body.
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