Are Humans the Lowest Reincarnation?
Posted by wizanda on 1219239367
So many people say we are the highest and if we look, we can find a million and one reasons opposing this view...
We say we are the highest because we have the biggest ego, yet does that mean we are....
Most people's first point would be, that due to we know how to kill animals in mass quantities makes us more sophisticated????
Highest in the food chain, lowest in morality....We kill more then we need, we take more then we can consume, again a bigger ego.....
How many animals stock pile its prey for fun?
Most animals can communicate telepathically and sense emotions, from either added senses we don't even know how to use or smell which they use with 20x more accuracy then our self...
We say as we can philosophize and animals can't, does that mean we are superior?
Yet what does that really mean....We have a bigger ego to deny that animals don't communicate, don't understand the complexities of oneness without the need of religious or dogmatic structural organization...A sense of knowing God without the need of control ....i.e....The root meaning of the mustard seed within the many books it is found.
If in a computer the faster the bus speed, the faster the processing can take place...
A dog's bus speed is 7x faster then our own, so therefore can process 7x the amount of information we do.
This is clearest with a fly, which in summer when its heart moves faster due to the warmth, we can't catch it; as to it we are moving in slow motion...So again showing a point that in many cases means animals are above us...
Please don't even think of resorting back to we know how to kill the fly, so that makes us more sophisticated, as that just shows how barbaric we really are.
Next we can say we've tamed animals by giving them food and treats, yet doesn't that really mean they've tamed us, to feed them while they lye on their backs all day?..
Animals stay like a child, if you ask an old man how old do you feel, they will say like a child, ask a middle age person how old they feel they will say like an old man, due to the slavery in a system we created to torture ourselves...
So why do we loose the way for half our lives, to loose innocence, unconditional love, newness, imagination and even knowing how to play...
Now this doesn't apply to everyone and there are people which understand the ways of heaven inherently, yet we could call these (future or sent back to help) angels amongst our midst...
We could say as we know how to clean up after our self? Really question the state of the world and ask yourself if it was left with just nature, where symbiosis happens on every level of energy, to circulate all back into the circle of life, does our cleaning add to the natural circle of life or take from it?
That's to being with, what do you think?
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