Other than the fact that I met you in cyberspace the last cycle... No, I don't recall meeting you.
something that was found in another site about the origin of the universe which talks about quarks...
http://www.unexplained-mysteries.com/ ... ion/index.php/t41064.html"....well hydrdogen is not just hydrogen, its a proton and an electron, so basically protons and electrons are the begining of everything, however protons and electrons are made up of quarks, so basically quarks are responsible for the beggining of everything, however, some beleive even quarks can be further broken down, all the way down to strings, which are in essense just infinetly small loops of vibrating energy, and if this is true, then the energy that can neither be created nor destroyed is the beggining of everything, and if that is true, than that means everything is, has been , and always will be, infinite, and never actually had a begining in the first place..."
Obviously he/she meant "eternal" rather than "infinite."
Since logically if matter cannot be created neither destroyed, whatever exists is what exists, we cannot add / substract things to it, so it is not infinite.
This Post was from: https://www.wizanda.com/newbb/viewtopic.php?topic_id=139&post_id=409