The New Testament is a Morality Exam that Most Have Failed
Posted by wizanda on 1726268588
For those who haven't noticed, the New Testament was supposed to contradict its self on purpose. Through the last few thousand years some people have noticed Saul/Paul contradicts Christ, not many notice it is prophesied to be on purpose - to catch out those who think they can make up religious texts, and that God doesn't calculate everything before it happens.
Saul & Sheol are spelled the same in ancient Hebrew, where in the New Testament in Zechariah 3:1-2, we have Yehoshua on the left, and satan (Saul/Sheol) on his right to contradict him.
Simon was called petros by Yeshua as he was Pharisaic, and Yeshua clearly knew he'd be mislead by satan (Luke 22:31). Petros means a small pebble, that could trip us up (Matthew 16:18, Isaiah 8:14-16, Zechariah 3:9) or like the stony ground (petrodes) making the harvest less fruitful (Matthew 13:3–9) or the pebbles on the shore, that don't provide a good foundation (Matthew 7:24–27) - unlike the Chief Corner Stone & Rock of Salvation.
The Synoptic Gospels Vs the Gospel of John is like a Morality IQ test, there is a series of patterns, with a random pattern at the end, that doesn't match the sequence. Where the Gospel of John has no parables, repeated usage of "I Am" statements, when Yeshua didn't speak that way in the Synoptic Gospels, and warned that many would be deceived from the beginning by those claiming to be him, using "I Am" statements.
None of this has happened accidentally, and when we study the contexts enough, we realize it is all prophesied. If we think about the Parable of the Wheat & Tares, the Wheat is to the left, Matthew, Mark, Luke, and then we have the Tares: John, Paul, Peter. Same with the separation of the Sheep (left), and Goats (Right).
Because most of us haven't been taught the early Church history, they take the book of Acts at a very surface level. The earlier Church were called Ebionites based on prophecy, and then Pauline Christianity rewrote the Gospel to the Pharisaic ideas, with the help of Simon Petros (Acts 11:25-26). James was Head of the Ebionite Church, and argued with Paul on numerous doctrinal ideas. It appears the author of Jude was also writing against the early Christian church, challenging some of the same hypocrisies James is said to have argued. Revelation isn't Christian, it is Israelite, and is also trying to correct where the church became corrupted by the Pharisees.
One of the main things wrong that John, Paul, Simon teach, is that Christ came to die as a human sacrifice to pay for the sins of mankind; that is accusing God of first degree murder, and is what is called Balaam teachings Biblically - which is to imply God has ever needed sacrifice, when everything is God's - instead what God asks for, is for us to walk humbly in God's ways (Micah 6:5-8).
Now though it is prophesied to destroy everyone who doesn't get these tests, which exists within multiple religious prophecies globally, I personally think that is very unfair, and so have been sent before Judgement Day, to see if I can do anything to fix these things, and if not, soon mankind will wipe its self out, and God will simply resurrect those worthy into the Messianic Age.
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