Re: Do you believe in fairies?

Posted by qOLOp on 1127599132
About 3 yrs ago, I was at the end of a 4 yr vision quest. I studied magick, grids, energys, the matrix, shamanism, ect.. Anywho at the end of 4 yrs it was all coming to a hea, in my quest. I knew the solar eclipse, with the sabbath, and the grand cross of our planets combined with a new moon; was the night it would hit. Soz I got about 10,000 feet up in the mountians and got ready for the spirit to hit. You can tell and know, after being in the spirit that long. Just as the sun set bringing on all these vortexes and energys, the first thing that appeared was little elves running around my RV, just laughing and carrying on like a buch of kids, Then the fairys started showing uo, darting acrioss my living room like beams of light. But I could see the little bodys insde the light.

During all of This I was bonding and co-creating with Jesus Christ; to grant my petition to expose and destroy the anti-christ system of child abuse and satanism that has taken over america. That was a crazy night with some of heavens UFos hovering over me, along with Pixies and Faireis and Elves. What happened the next 9 hours after that I cannot talk about. But it was magic in its highest form, and it came from Jesus Christ, in answer to my prayer. Yes, I do believe in Fairies, and so much more- now. praise Jesus for lettimg me see them that night.... Dude here, wasnt that fun?

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