Re: Branches
Posted by qOLOp on 1128059930
Hi Branches, Dude here - the easiest way out, is found in Romans, I forget the verse but its a statement Jesus made, "Many will make it into Heaven who never have heard of me, because they are justified by the law". Now Jesus is telling us ya dont have to know him to make it, but ya have to keep the law. Now the law hes refering to, is doing good works, being a rightous person, or listening to that voice in your head or our counscious. That is put there by God.. Now when ya are fixing to do something ya know ya shouldnt, remember how that voice tells us, Ya shouldnt do that"? There are many people who listen to that voice and thats being called, justified by the law. They dont know who Jesus is, but they know that voice in their heads, and they listen to it. Its that easy, a child can find heaven doing this.
I want to add to Wizandas gig about many churches. Hes right about different ones focusing on parts of the bible. Very few take the bible in its entirity and thats a disitare in the making. Am example is the state of the dead. Most churches teach the parable of Lazarus and the rich man in Hell, being tormeted by fire. And use that to prove you are alive when dead. But Jesus said his high school friend ( another Lazarus) had died, and Jesus said, he was sleeping. The old testament has over 60 verses that say you are asleep when ded. The new testament talks of the resurrection from that sleep. Now most churches take one parable, and cmpletely ingore 60 other verses, plus Jesus own words, about the dead being asleep. The churches teach the opposite of the truth, from one parable, and say you are alive when your dead. That dont even sound right, alive when your dead. lol. Anywho this is the problem. They dont take evry verses on a given subjec. Practically every major doctrine preached today is taken out of context, and is wrong. They teach sinners are immortal, burning in fire forever. But Malchi 4:1-4 says the wicked will be burnt up, and we will walk on their ashes. Theres no immortality there in that verse. But they refuse to look at these other verses. So they are praeching lies and deciet. By looking at one verse, and not every verse on any given subject, we come up with a multitude of churches based on erronius doctrines. So ya see the problem.. Dont let this happen to you kiddo, a good concordance will stop any errors and set ya straight.
A church is a body of people, we have to have fellowship with God first.. If Churches confuse ya, and they do me, then stay away and fellowship privalty and on forums like this. I go to church every so often, but its just to sing songs and praise God with a group.. Past that I dont have much use for it, because it taeches the dragons doctrines of immortalty of the soul, sunday sacredness and spiritualism. The bible taken as a whole teaches saturduy sacredness, man is not immortal and look to the Holy Ghost for miracles and gifts. The dragon ( satan) pretty much owns the chirches, and ya can tell it by the doctrines they teach. So anywho, peace and love to you. And get to know our powerful and wonderful God, by talking to him in prayer, ponderings and work him in your daily life. Look for ways to use Him, miracles, knowledge, whatever. Use God and Jesus and the Holy Spirit and the Holy Ghost. We have four parts of the Godhead who just love to be used. Go for it kid, ya dont need no church for any of that...and it will fill your cup to overflowing..peace.
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