Re: My UFO experience

Posted by qOLOp on 1128315261
Of coarse there are millions of people who say they saw this or they saw that, have I seen any of these things, like aliens, no. But I have seen how people can become so wraped up in things like religion that they not only start lieing to others but they also start lieing to themselves and believing it. These people are the fanatics, these are the kinds of people that are blowing themselves up in Isreal. These are the kinds of people that cause seperation and anger, because they cannot see that there mind is making this stuff up to make them feel better about themselves, to make life that much easier to live. By the way, I used to be a really hard core christian untill not long ago I finally realized God wasn't talking back. All I have seen is lies lies lies, everywhere, in the church and outside of the church, no one knows what the hell is going on and it is just a huge chaotic mess. For once I wish I could see truth, that one ray of hope. You guys may have seen aliens, I never have, but I find it hard to believe in them or just about anything when all everyone ever does is lie to each other over HUGE things like religion. I studied the bible for so long just to get a million people telling me that it's all lies or that it was re-written, or there are books missing, or there are crucial verses that were left out, all this stuff I can't even keep track of anymore. I so wanted to be a child of God and still do I just can't because I will never find the way when everyone is saying something different and I myself have no physical evidence that shows me which is correct. I prayed and prayed for God to show me a sign, just something, he never did, he's gone from me. So if you really seen something I'm sorry for thinking you are a lier but I hope I have explained the reasons behind why I find it so hard to believe anyone anymore.

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