Re: The Power of the Holy Spirit
Posted by qOLOp on 1129148650
Hi, this is dude here. I would like to share some thoughts about the Holy Spiritand the Holy Ghost. When I read the bible I see the Father mentioned, and the Holy Spirit. I also see Jesus mentioned and the Holy Ghost. That adds up to four in the Godhead, and not three. I did some research and found out the catholic church came up with the concept of the trinity. That word was never around untill the papecy became an institution, and started to change much of the bible.
Futher studys of ancient hebrew texts show that the holy spirit is femine and so is the holy ghost- femine, So there seems to be male and female parts to the Godhead. Of course God is one, in spirit and intent, and character.
What we are dealing with is something the bible only mentions one time, I think. Its called, "the Mystery of God". This is how it appears to work. When God created the angels by spoken word, the angels materialized by the working of the feminine or Holy Spirit, this is our Fathers breath, so to speak. Similarily when Jesus spoke life onto planet earth, the feminine or Holy Ghost manifested the lifeforms as Jesus spoke. Jesus is diety, like our Father. So he works in the same way. Our Fathers counterpart is the Holy Spirit, and Jesus counterpart appears to be the Holy Ghost.
Now Jesus was beggoten, or born. He was not created like the angels were. This implys a union of some kind, between the Father and Mother (holy spirit).. Evidence points out that Jesus being diety, has to have a counterpart. So Jesus apparently was born with a twin sister or, the holy ghost. And this is why the bible records the Holy Spirit and the Holy Ghost, along with the Father and Jesus. That adds up to four in the Godhead, no matter how ya appraoch it. The vaticans math is wierd, they come up with three, from four parts. I dont trust any organization that adds like that. Somethings wrong there..Stay away from them, please...
Now this implys the Holy Spirit is the Mother of us all. And we all know who the Father is. We also know who Jesus is, our big brother, and now we have a big sister, the Holy Ghost.. Jesus said it was important that He ascend to heaven, so he could send the comforter, or the Holy Ghost. Jesus did not say He was going to send the Holy Spirit, but He was going to send the Holy Ghost! It was on pentecost that the Holy Ghost came, like wind and fire, with tounges of fire, over the heads of the 120, they became filled with this spirit and spoke in tounges. I am a tounges speaker myself. Started about two yrs ago. But not everyone will speak in tounges who is saved. The bible tells us, its just one of many gifts.
It would seem that as born again believers, we have the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Ghost, inside of us. One connects us to the Father, and the other connects us to Jesus. After all there are four points to the cross, there are four major directions, there are four winds over earth, ect, ect. I supect this pattern of four, has to do with the fact that there is four in the Godhead. Just a thought there.
Christian mysticism is inspirational, it opens christians minds, that are closed by belief systems, designed to do just that... peace to you.
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