Re: My UFO experience

Posted by David_Goodpasture on 1129844710
about the greys Dude... i am still a bit confused over religion... until i get to talk to an alien face to face and ask them some much desired questions, and much needed answers, i just won;t know. I believe the greys ARE satan... they seem to have total disregard to the kind treatment of human beings. They might be a class 5 civilization, at the highest technological peak. Thus allowing them to do as they please with no one elses say... but i believe they are outnumbered... and they're days are nearing... as preached in the bible. God is the caring creatures.. us included... i mean c'mon... we keep pets! you think other civilizations have pets?! And someday we will wage war against him, and eradicate his species from the universe because of his wrong doings... sounds crazy huh? the truth is freakin brutal, and it's hard to share without being ridiculed.. i know you udnerstand this dude... because we seem to know the same things. Edit: Or God could well be a single entity.... but i do know that good and evil does not only exist on this planet. I can't believe the knowledge i am being shown.

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