Re: My UFO experience
Posted by David_Goodpasture on 1130154321
Dude, our emotional evolution is extremely important, and us showing that we have the will to want to survive and are conscious of our environment etc. means a lot. There is not much more to it. We can't go around telling people that there is a giant galactic UFO battle going on, and that we are pushing Satan and his minions to Earth so that they may be destroyed.. if they were able to push them to Earth from anywhere in the galaxy/universe, then they have enough technology to disperse of them by themselves. Fairy tells are for children, theories based on historical analysis and tangible evidence is for men. I'm not gullible, and neither should you be. You should drop that belief immediatly... having a big window let's you see a lot, but make sure you have a good screen to keep out all the nasty bugs.
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