Re: Haarp: Angels dont play this one!

Posted by qOLOp on 1130273680
Hey you two;

1 Chron 21:1 - satan stood up against Isreal
Job 1 : 7 - and the Lord said to satan
Zach 3:2 - and the Lord said to satan, "is not this a brand plucked from the fire".
Math 4:10 - get thee hence satan
luke 10:18 - and I beheld satan fall from heaven
! Cor 5:5 - deliver such a one to satan to destroy his flesh, so his soul might be saved
2 Cor 11:14 -satan can transform himself into an angel of light
Revelations 20:2 - and the serpent, which is the devil, or satan.

Isaiah 14:12 - Luicifer, Son of the mourning, how art thou fallen

Ez 28 - God will bring forth a fire from the midst of Lucifer, and burn him up, in front on the saints.

So we see this is a stand alone entity, that has an evil force with it, and God is going to burn him up, in front of the saints. The bible says it the best.

The bible is not going to fall apart. There is enough in there to lead us to Yashua, there is enough in there to explain prophecys. And in spite of word changes, and tamperings; it is the only source I have used in 35 yrs, and it has gotten me past denominations, dragon worship, indoctrinations, and false prophets, and wolves in sheeps clothing, ect, ect.. The bible is the only thing I ever use as a standard, to measure all things by.. And it has gotten me light years ahead of all denominations, but then I am not brainwashed or indoctrinated. It is the bible that condemns indoctrination and denominations.
It is the bible that brings pestilances, earthquakes, and punishment for rebellion. It is the bible that tells us of a more "sure way". Its the bible that leads us into prophecys, that fortell the futre events we look for, to see where we are at in history. It is the bible that tells us how to behave, and how to treat each others, and how to treat God. The bible is not going anywheres, it will be here, untill the very end of sin, and death and aposticys. The bible will be here untill all rebellion is thrown into the lake of fire, and burned up, never to be ever again.. So ya better think twice about this bible bashing!!!! We dont bash the bible, we bash those who have tried to twist it, turn it, burn it, destroy it, and make it say something that it doesnt say. Thats who we point the finger at, in judgement and condemnation..peace

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