Re: Is Satan the Sister Spirit and Espoused Wife of Jesus Christ

Posted by qOLOp on 1136994552
Dude you are warped and have no concept of what True Belief in Jesus Christ is about. You claim your site is dedicated to GOD. What God? Sounds like you want us to believe that God is you and your perversions of the Gospel. It sounds like you want every body to remain fragmented in blind predjudice and animosity. I don't buy it buddy! Paul was a servant of Jesus Christ, and his teaching were not anti-christ. Your false statements have no real truth at all to them. Go ahead and follow them it does no harm. Whether in truth or in falsehood the name of Jesus Christ will be raised above all others on that final day. I pray that you will someday come to the saving knowledge of the Truth, and begin to speak it in Love. Jimmy

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