Oneness - True Faith
Re: I Am That I Am: so To Be or Not To Be Was Not God's Question Posted on: 2006/6/24 21:22
2004/3/26 7:04
From Nottingham, UK
Posts: 2902
We would love to say the same, yet we find that a bit hard to fathom let alone relate to Biblically, maybe if you are female we should get all to read the Orea Linda as it is much clearer!!
As that is from original Briton and the true female religion of purity.... no #OOPS#ism as we find in later religion is a bit like the quran yet for women and trying to keep the core of the truth!
Which without we just get in a mess if you take a look through history as we do daily in researching the ways of God!

N B with U
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Re: I Am That I Am: so To Be or Not To Be Was Not God's Question Posted on: 2006/6/24 19:04
the message is clear , as you can read the message is unity, good talking
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I Am That I Am: so To Be or Not To Be Was Not God's Question Posted on: 2006/6/24 17:02
Just popping in
2006/1/6 1:42
Posts: 9
God used the Bible to explain, that God is and has always been. Although most cant see God's Heavenly Body or Dark Face I believe God showed Her Face and Body as a Woman's. I think God said to Herself and two kids (Jesus and Satan) in side her mind and womb "Let us come up with a master plan, so All will Know exactly who I AM. Just like our spirits Lets us make man in our image, Male and Female made He aka S/HE (God)them and said Let Us Give THEM dominion over all.

All things come from GOD and were made for GOD's own Glory. So the first thing God who is Both our Fat(Her)= Xy and our Mot(Her = XX aka a Holy Hostess and a HER was Split Herself from the Darkness or Night into Light. God called Her Sun next aka Jesus Christ. At His De Light He Jesus came forth was on Gods Right. Then God put her Her Lunatic Daughter on Her Left side, cause S/He was constantly changing her ways and mind. God gave each Dominion and Rule, 12 hours of Night 12 hours of Light, Satan ruled the night, Jesus the Day and each although given different missions had to do what GOD said. The Big Bang Theory began when God split Herself, and Jesus and Satan emerged from her Dark Waters and Womb. Since none of them had a Human Bodies God made Adam, Just like Jesus aka a Male = Xy which had as a said part God our Fat Her X and Mother X with its seed in itself. Eve was made later like Satan and as his Help Meet or opposite. Over and Over again reminding us "Male and Female made He them" and It was for this cause the Man "y" aka son is to Leave his Father X and Mother X to cleave unto his wife X. Within this Trinity X(yX)X.

Well unfortunately for Man they still don't understand the meaning of the word AND. The word And means Also or Plus, and because they put themselves first they shall be last. God sent Her only begotten Son first, to live and die for the sins of "all Man", and Man killed him. So now shall Has to send Her Daughter, as the Queen of the South, Lady of the Lake, Lioness of Judah, His Treacherous Sister and Espoused wife, to proclaim the Gospel of Christ. As well that SHE is Satan, Risen, as Washed Clean Christian, as God's other kid (goat) and Black sheep in the Family said to Come In the Name of the Lord.

As told by BurntOffering, (Hebrews 10:5-10) Amen

peace out
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Re: Healing list Posted on: 2006/6/24 9:00
2004/3/26 7:04
From Nottingham, UK
Posts: 2902
Yet if correct blood stream and house of Aaron from what we know possibilities are endless...not being funny just found of a young mixed race child having convulsions so be warned. If understanding is not founded first

N B with U
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