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Ten Intentions for a Better World
Posted on: 2006/12/27 22:13 |
Joined: 2004/3/26 7:04
From Nottingham, UK
Re: Ten Intentions for a Better World
Posted on: 2007/1/3 0:46 |
Just popping in 
Joined: 2006/12/6 3:34
1. Intend to ascend 2. Intend to understand ascension - and your own integral role in this ascension. 3. Intend to understand Dream and the Dreaming mechanism - and work with this mechanism. 4. Intend to hear all ascension guidance, of soul, Nature and Earth/Terra. And to avail yourself of all tools to hear. 5. Intend to clear all karma that maybe preventing you from ascending. 6. Intend to clear all karma that is creating personal and global non-peace. 7 Intend to retreive all your mastery instructions - so you can walk the path of a master you incarnated to be. 8. Intend to retreive all your blueprint instructions for the biology to create the 4th dimensional crystalline form. 9. Intend to fulfill all ascension agreements, promises you made in the interlife before incarnating. 10. Intend to be part of Terras Ascension Team - to raise the consciousness and take this 3 dimensional world to its next evolutionary level of existance. So we may all live in Peace, Harmony, Unconditional Love and Divine Union with All That Is.
Namaste and Blessings Pat
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