Oneness - True Faith
Reply To Dr Robert Gilbert's Christ's True Teachings Video Posted on: 10/18 15:14:17
2004/3/26 7:04
From Nottingham, UK
Posts: 2902

What an amazing conversation... Lots of ideas that I love within this:

Though many videos keep trying to make the Messiah something everyone can access, it is a specific designation of the King of Kings, with them being a specific entity sent from Heaven.

The 24 incarnations previously are all manifestations of the one Source, interacting as Avatars in this world to share the wisdoms of the Divine, and the 25th is here to bring in the Messianic Age.

Part of what Dr Robert Gilbert shared about entheogens bringing in Satya Yuga, is what the Messiah has been doing over different lifetimes:

King David shared the Shewbread with the masses, as when it's made correctly, it is psychedelic. It contains the ingredients of Ezekiel 4:9, and is made like the Essene Bread; where by leaving the grains to sprout, and naturally proof, it contains ergot. This is why it has to be boiled, and then baked to kill the ergot poisoning.

This is the same with Kykeon from the Greek Eleusinian Mysteries, where that is made from barley left in vats, which then has to be boiled to kill the ergot poisoning. The Greeks imported cannabis from the Semitic cultures; which is where we get the etymology cannabis, which is Kaneh-Bosem transliterated into Greek.

Yeshua & the Disciples shared the Holy Anointing Oil (Exodus 30:23-25) that contained cannabis, and then it has the power to heal many ailments (Mark 6:13, James 5:14); plus it regulates neural firing - thus leading to enlightenment when taken with psychedelics.

The Hindu system was Soma which was a psychedelic, and Bhang which is cannabis with milk.

Basically these ancient religious cultures, understood that micro-dosing leads to enlightenment, and the Messiah has now made it that everyone practising Communion, was meant to be having psychedelic Shewbread, and to be anointed with Holy Cannabis Anointing Oil (Christians - anointed ones).

The last bit of the video on the development process of an Avatar, is you know from an early age you're sent from Heaven; yet to understand the documented details takes study, even though we intuitively know the right path without fully knowing why.

Thank you so much for sharing this, it was inspiring; I've been saying these things for years, and it interlinks some great parts that I'd already questioned.

Our Babylonian debauchery has been increasing people using the reptilian part of the brain (amygdala), and this can be repaired with entheogens, to then use the higher parts of the brain (hypothalamus, etc). 🤔💗😇

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