Oneness - True Faith
Psychedelic Christ Posted on: 10/19 8:30:49
2004/3/26 7:04
From Nottingham, UK
Posts: 2902
The Mana being psychedelic mushrooms makes sense, especially as it took them 40 years, to make a two week journey.

The Shewbread we can show was like Kykeon, and so was psychedelic; yet the Last Supper is not what it seems:

Yeshua shared Shewbread, and told them to do that in Remembrance of him - which is the recipe in Ezekiel 4:9; yet after in that same chapter of Ezekiel 4, it explains because they've exchanged animal for man, God will exchange their bread for human poo cakes & urine (Communion), and they will do this in all the nations they're sent during their Exile among the nations.

At the Last Supper in all three Synoptic Gospels it has been badly translated on purpose (Matthew 26:29, Mark 14:25, Luke 22:18), as Yeshua told his 'followers not to drink of the vine until the coming of the Kingdom, where we will drink New Wine' i.e. Non alcoholic grape juice.

Alcohol doesn't mix with entheogens, and some religious culture simply banned any alcohol, as it lowers mental impairment; where psychedelics increase it. Christ told his followers 'not to drink other than water, else they might lose their reward' (Matthew 10:42, Mark 9:4).

Saul (Sheol/Hell) established drinking alcohol in Remembrance, and then had to make policy against people getting drunk. The problem with drinking the blood of an offering according to the Law, is you get cast out for doing such a thing; the blood is meant to be spilled on the floor - which is what Yeshua said at the Last Supper, 'my blood shall be spilled out for many'.

The Gospel of John was made up by the Sanhedrin from hearsay evidence, taking parts from a Disciple, most likely Simon the stumbling stone (petros); so it contains partial truths, and some things that are just blatant defilements of the Laws on purpose. In the Gospel of John's Last Supper, it says 'drink my blood, and eat my flesh', this is a direct citation opposite to Noahide Laws in Genesis 9:4-6 - where if you eat blood, and flesh, you get cast out for it.

Basically the Pharisaic editors on the right (John, Paul, Simon petros), are the Tares corrupting the Wheat that was meant on the left (Matthew, Mark, Luke).

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