Oneness - True Faith
The book of John was written by a pharisee Posted on: 2005/5/28 22:38
Now to many this may come as a shock, as this is what you have been taught as the backbone of the Christian belief. Yet what I have to say is the truth and can be proved by the bible that many of us have. The books of John have been written by a Pharisee and not by John Mark the disciple, as many now believe.
So why do I say this, at first I believed that John was one of the disciples as generally believed within Christian circles. Yet after discovering that Paul is the Anti-Christ and that many of the principles are against God, as told by the rest of the prophets in the Bible, it still didn't make much sense to me. So I re-read over all the books of Mathew, Mark, Luke and John. While reading, it became apparent to me how many times The author of John had known things that only a Pharisee would have known, and what's more, a Pharisee who had been part of the council that sentenced Yeshua to death, as he knew about private conversations they had, amongst them selves.
So let's go through these and you will see why I say such things that the author of John was one of the Pharisees:

John 1:19 and this is the witness of John, when the Jews sent priests and Levites from Jerusalem to ask him, who are you?

How would John Mark the disciple, know where they were sent from? Only someone who was there, when they were sent, would know. Also no other disciple mentioned that they were Levites.

John 1:24 and they who were sent were from the Pharisees.

Again knowing who was sent and where from, these are small points, yet all will become apparent as you read on and see the bigger picture.

John 2:18-20 Then the Jews answered and said to Him, What sign do you show us, since you do these things? (19) Yeshua answered and said to them, destroy this temple and in three days I will raise it up. (20) Then the Jews said, this temple was forty-six years building, and will you rear it up in three days?

This is blatantly obvious that it is made up by the Jewish council, as we are told this in Mark.

Mar 14:55-59 and the chief priests and all the Sanhedrin sought for witness against Yeshua, to put Him to death. And they found none. (56) For many testified falsely against Him, but the testimonies were not identical. (57) And certain ones rose up and bore false witness against Him, saying, and (58) we heard Him say, I will destroy this temple that is made with hands, and within three days I will build another made without hands. (59) But neither was their testimony identical.

This by Mark makes it clear that the destroying of the temple is made up, by the Jewish council; this is also repeated in Mathew, yet not in as much detail. This is probably the most obvious point that the books of John can't be trusted. If this is clearly made up to disgrace Yeshua and have it believed that he was killed for this, what else is made up?

John 3:1 and there was a man of the Pharisees named Nicodemus, a ruler of the Jews.

This is the first mention of what is presumably, the second name of the author of John, as the disciples wouldn't have known his name unless told. There are many points mentioned with in this book, which only someone of that rank within the Jewish council or Pharisee chief priest would have known.

John 3:9 Nicodemus answered and said to Him, How can these things be?

Again clear of who was saying things from a Pharisee perspective, not as an account of a disciple, that it simply, was a Pharisee. This whole account John 3:1-21, is the private conversation, Nicodemus is said to have had with Yeshua in the night. There are many points within this conversation, which are contrary to what Yeshua taught the disciples. If the disciples had been there during this conversation, they would have surely included these things, as they are important to salvation according to the book of John. Yet in the other three books, there is not a mention of any of these things, in fact the points that are contained, are contrary to the rest of the Bible and the gospel of Yeshua, according to Mathew, Mark and Luke.

John 7:32 The Pharisees heard that the crowd murmured such things concerning Him. And the Pharisees and the chief priests sent officers to seize Him.

This is clear that it is only a Pharisee, who would have been present, when these thing where discussed and acted on by them.

John 7:35 Then the Jews said among themselves, where is he about to go that we shall not find him? Is he about to go to the Dispersion of the Greeks, and to teach the Greeks?

Here this is even saying that it was a private conversation between the Jews.

John 7:45-52 then the officers came to the chief priests and Pharisees. And they said to them, why have you not brought him? (46) The officers answered, never did any man speak as does this Man. (47) Then the Pharisees answered them, Also, have you not been deceived? (48) Is it not true that not any of the rulers or of the Pharisees have believed into him? (49) But this crowd, not knowing the Law, is cursed. (50) Nicodemus said to them, (he who came to Yeshua by night, being one of them), (51) Does our law judge the Man before it hears Him and knows what He does? (52) They answered and said to him, Are you also from Galilee? Search the scriptures and see that a prophet has not been raised out of Galilee.

There is no disciple present here and this is a discussion between the Pharisee, again with Nicodemus prominent in what is being said, almost defending him self after the event that he tried to help.

John 9:13-34 they brought him who once was blind to the Pharisees. (14) And it was a Sabbath when Yeshua made the clay and opened his eyes. (15) Then again the Pharisees also asked him how he had received his sight. He said to them, He put clay upon my eyes, and I washed, and I see. (16) Therefore some of the Pharisees said, this man is not from God, because he does not keep the Sabbath. Others said, how can a man, a sinner, do such miracles? And there was a division among them. (17) They said to the blind man again, what do you say about him, for he has opened your eyes? He said, He is a prophet. (18) But the Jews did not believe concerning him, that he had been blind and had received his sight, until they called the parents of him having received sight. (19) And they asked them, saying, is this your son, whom you say was born blind? How then does he now see? (20) His parents answered them and said, we know that this is our son, and that he was born blind. (21) But by what means he now sees, we do not know. Or who has opened his eyes, we do not know. He is of age, ask him. He will speak for himself. (22) His parents spoke these things because they feared the Jews, for the Jews had already agreed that if anyone confessed that He was Christ, he should be put out of the synagogue. (23) Therefore his parents said, He is of age, ask him. (24) Then a second time they called the man who was blind and said to him, Give glory to God. We know that this man is a sinner. (25) He answered and said, whether He is a sinner, I do not know; one thing I do know, that being blind, now I see. (26) Then they said to him again, what did he do to you? How did he open your eyes? (27) He answered them, I have told you already, and you did not hear. Why do you want to hear it again? Do you also desire to be His disciples? (28) Then they reviled him and said, you are his disciple, but we are Moses' disciples. (29) We know that God spoke to Moses, but we do not know from where this man is. (30) The man answered and said to them, why, this is a marvelous thing, that you do not know from where He is, and He has opened my eyes. (31) But we know that God does not hear sinners, but if anyone is God-fearing and does His will, He hears him. (32) From everlasting it was not heard that anyone opened the eyes of one who was born blind. (33) If this One were not of God, He could do nothing. (34) They answered and said to him, you were altogether born in sins, and do you teach us? And they cast him out.

This whole account here is by the Pharisee and again clear that it is written by someone who was present when this account happened.

John 10:19-21 then a division occurred again among the Jews because of these words. (20) And many of them said, He has a demon and is insane. Why do you hear him? (21) Others said, these are not words of one who has been possessed by a demon. A demon is not able to open the eyes of blind ones.

I pray by now, you can see that these accounts are starting too added up, as many of these are private conversations between the Jewish council and Pharisee. Meaning that the author of John is indeed one of them and the next bit shows in some ways they chooses for his death.

John 11:45-53 then many of the Jews who came to Mary, and had seen the things which Yeshua did, believed on Him. (46) But some of them went to the Pharisees and told them what Yeshua had done. (47) Then the chief priests and Pharisees gathered a Sanhedrin, and said, what can we do? For this man does many miracles. (48) If we let him alone this way, all will believe on him. And the Romans will come and take away both our place and nation. (49) And one of them, Caiaphas, being the high priest of that year, said to them, You do not know anything at all, (50) nor do you consider that it is expedient for us that one man should die for the people, and not that the whole nation perish. (51) And he did not speak this of himself, but being high priest that year, he prophesied that Yeshua should die for the nation; (52) and not for that nation only, but also that He should gather together in one the children of God who were scattered abroad. (53) Then from that day they took counsel together that they might kill Him.

This is the most important, as this was discussed when the author of John was present and this clearly shows that it was the Jewish councils idea to kill Yeshua. Does this sound like a follower of Yeshua, to not say something at this point, if he could see that he is and was the Christ? This indeed fulfils prophecy as spoke in Isaiah 53 and makes it apparent why he grieves, that they make his soul a sin offering, as this is a Pharisee version of the events.

John 12:9-11 then a great crowd of the Jews learned that he was there. And they did not come for Yeshua' sake only, but also that they might see Lazarus, whom he had raised from the dead. (10) But the chief priests consulted that they might put Lazarus to death also, (11) because many of the Jews went away and believed on Yeshua because of him.

This is clear that the author of John was among the chief priests as who would have known that they wanted to put Lazarus to death. This definitely wouldn't be made public knowledge as many people would be appalled, to hear such things. That a man brought back to life, is killed to cover up the fact, he was brought back to life. How can we trust someone, who has even the slightest part in this? Then in other books talks about love, is this someone who understands what love is?

John 12:19 Then the Pharisees said among themselves, Do you see how you gain nothing? Behold, the world has gone after Him.

Again a private conversation between the Pharisee, so unless you were apart of them, it would not be known.

John 12:42 Still, however, even out of the rulers, many did believe on Him. But because of the Pharisees they did not confess, lest they should be put out of the synagogue;

The writer knows the feelings of many of the council, unless you were friends of them how could you know how they felt about Yeshua?

John 18:10 Then Simon Peter, having a sword, drew it and struck the high priest's servant and cut off his right ear. And the servant's name was Malchus.

The writer knows whose servant it was and even their name.

John 18:13-14 and they led Him away to Annas first, for he was father-in-law to Caiaphas, who was the high priest that year. (14) And Caiaphas was he who gave counsel to the Jews, that it was expedient that one man should die for the people.

Clearly showing that the writer not only knew who everybody was, yet the connections within there families as well.

John 18:24 Then Annas had sent Him bound to Caiaphas the high priest.

This makes it apparent that who ever wrote this, knew what happened to Yeshua in between him leaving the disciples. Where and who he was sent to with their names.

John 18:26 One of the servants of the high priest, being kinsman to him whose ear Peter cut off, said, Did I not see you in the garden with him?

This is a clear statement that only a Pharisee or someone within the Jews would know, that the servant was related to the person, who had their ear cut off.

John 19:39 and Nicodemus also came, who at the first came to Yeshua by night, and brought a mixture of myrrh and aloes, about a hundred pounds.

This again shows that Nicodemus was trying to help, after the event and clearly showing that this may have been written by him. Else why would you include detail such as these with measurements and ingredients?

Act 4:6 And Annas the high priest, and Caiaphas, and John, and Alexander, and as many as were of the kindred of the high priest, were gathered together at Jerusalem.

This when included with all the points shown, makes it clear that John, was indeed one of the names of the Pharisee high priests.
There is alone within this, points that make the books of John not trust worthy. With this as a foundation though, we can begin to see that what is taught to today, is untrue when compared with the gospels of Mathew, Mark and Luke and what Yeshua actually said.
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Re: The book of John was written by a pharisee Posted on: 2005/5/29 12:39
Now there's what I like to see: thoughts based on a personal examination of the Bible!

Let me mention a few things that might help to clarify:
John Mark is the author of Mark, not the books of John (which include Revelation). John Mark was also not actually one of the Apostles. That would be John the son of Zebedee. (Matthew 10:2-4)

This John "was known to the high priest" (John 18:15) which would help explain how he knew what was going on. Also, many of the priests joined the faith (Acts 6:7), which would also help account for the sharing of inside information.

John was also the person who coined the word "antichrist."

I'd be interested to hear why you believe the Apostle Paul to have been the antichrist. John is pretty clear that the antichrist is the one who denies that Jesus was from God. And Paul goes to great lengths to prove Jesus WAS from God.
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Re: The book of John was written by a pharisee Posted on: 2005/5/29 19:01
2004/3/26 7:04
From Nottingham, UK
Posts: 2900
The reason i state Paul/Saul is the anti-christ, is he fufills most things spoke of the comming of someone to that nature.
As you stated John said these bits, i will post it, yet i don't trust much of what he says anymore.
John stated:

2Jo 1:9 Everyone transgressing and not abiding in the doctrine of Christ does not have God. He who abides in the doctrine of Christ, he has both the Father and the Son.

Now the doctrine of Saul is contradictory to that of Christ so making it anti- christ.

1Jo 2:18-19 Little children, it is the last time. And just as you have heard that antichrist is coming, even now many antichrists have risen up, from which we know that it is the last hour. (19) They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they were of us, they would have continued with us. But they went out so that it might be revealed that they were not all of us.

This states that they are from us, yet not of us, Saul fufills this

Both these points from John are just to continue from what you said.

You see as a follow of Yeshua, we are strictly warned not to trusted the pharisee.

Also to add to what you asked, no in fact; Paul believed Yeshua was God, and the image of God. so breaking the second commandment.

At the moment i am writing this all up with scriptures, so you can see why they differ so much from the truth and what Christ said

Peace B with U
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Re: The book of John was written by a pharisee Posted on: 2006/3/6 8:37
2004/3/26 7:04
From Nottingham, UK
Posts: 2900
I swear the nerve of some people, this would imply Christ acused God, yet in other gospels he rebukes Simon peter(stone) for trying to stop it, as he knew it was to cut off the sects as in Zechariah, the potters field 100%


Joh 19:11 Jesus answered, You could have no authority against Me unless it were given to you from above. Therefore he who delivered Me to you has the greater sin.

This is why we hate the doctrine of Nico-laitans or John Nicodemus, the member of the high council.

Here I will post the complaints against these books:

N B with U
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