Oneness - True Faith
Principles Posted on: 2005/7/3 9:55
2004/3/26 7:04
From Nottingham, UK
Posts: 2944
The Seven Principles of Spiritualism


John Brett

The Spiritualist movement in England today has two primary organizations. The Spiritualists' National Union (SNU), being one, and the other is The Greater World Christian Spiritualist Association, founded in 1931.

As a member of the SNU, I subscribe to, and accept, The Seven Principles, which are the basis for Spiritualist philosophy - our teachings. Below you will find a brief outline of these principles as provided by the SNU.

1. The Fatherhood of God

2. The Brotherhood of Man

3. The Communion of Spirits and the Ministry of Angels

4. The Continuous Existence of the Human Soul

5. Personal Responsibility

6. Compensation and Retribution Hereafter for all the Good or Evil Deeds done on Earth

7. Eternal Progress Open to every Human Soul

The Fatherhood of God

Looking at the world around us, and the universe, we cannot deny that there is a force which has created life in all its varying forms. This force keeps the whole of existence in a state of balance, giving room for expansion, transformation and creation. This creative force we term God. "God has created life so we speak of Fatherhood". By acknowledging The Fatherhood of God we accept mankind's inherent divinity as Children of God, each individual person containing within them a spark of that eternal life force.

The Brotherhood of Man

It follows then that each of us are in the same relationship to that Fatherhood, just as we are in a human family. A Brotherhood is a community for mutual support and comfort. As we learn to give to others in this relationship, so we must also learn to receive, so achieving the necessary balance for our lives. To live up to the principle 'The Brotherhood of Man', ensures that we look not just to the material needs of our fellow creatures, but also to the spiritual needs.

The Communion of Spirits and the Ministry of Angels

The key principle of the religion of Spiritualism is the Communion of Spirit. When this principle is put into action, as it is constantly in Spiritualist Churches by mediums, Spiritualism gives substance to it's teaching of eternal life by demonstrating it's reality.

Energy does not die, it cannot be destroyed. It can only change it's form. Spirit, which is energy, cannot be destroyed either, but its manifestation can and does alter. The creative force, which is the source of all life, is eternal, and so the individual is eternal, and death cannot sever the bonds of love and friendship. It is natural then, that those who have 'died' would wish to come back and minister to their family and friends through communication via a medium or sensitive.

Continuous Existence of the Human Soul

Spirit is indestructible. When the physical body dies, the spirit continues as an integral part of a world which interpenetrates ours, but which is in a different dimension. We refer to this world as the Spirit World. When living in the Spirit World we are the same individuals in every way, with the same personalities and characteristics. We change only by progression, or otherwise, as a result of our own efforts.

Personal Responsibility

Through acceptance of our immortality through the Fatherhood of God, and acknowledgment of our responsibilities to others through the Brotherhood of Man, we are also asserting our individuality, and in that assertion must be the recognition of the effects created by everything we are responsible for - our words, our actions and even our unspoken thoughts.

Our spiritual progression is wholly dependent upon ourselves, and it is very important therefore, that as full an understanding as possible of all the implications of this principle is achieved. It is only by service to others that we can serve ourselves.

Compensation and Retribution

As with all the other principles, the natural laws apply, and this one echoes The Law of Cause and Effect - 'as you sow, so shall you reap'. You cannot be cruel and vindictive towards others and expect love and popularity in return. Personal Responsibility asks you to 'do as you would be done by'. Compensation and Retribution says ' be done by as you did'.

Eternal Progress open to every Human Soul

Accepting Personal Responsibility implies that within the context of this principle, our spiritual progression is wholly within our hands, and it is only by developing our individual spiritual qualities that we can progress. Progress is never easy, and great progress demands sacrifice. Our spiritual blessings are in proportion to the efforts we make, stimulating finer vibrations within our soul which raise us ever higher in the great divine spiral of spiritual progression, in eternal duration.

N B with U
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Re: Principles Posted on: 2005/7/7 8:46
Just popping in
2005/6/27 4:57
Posts: 6
[Spirit is indestructible. When the physical body dies, the spirit continues as an integral part of a world which interpenetrates ours, but which is in a different dimension. We refer to this world as the Spirit World. When living in the Spirit World we are the same individuals in every way, with the same personalities and characteristics. We change only by progression, or otherwise, as a result of our own efforts.]
What would be the motive to do good on this plain - when eternity awaits all of us according to your principle?

If the spirit is strong - why does the body die?
Have you ever heard of the term 'his will was strong' and survived the out/come..

And why would the spirit be born in a body if does quite nicely without?

Awaiting your answers,
a brother.
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Re: Principles Posted on: 2005/7/7 9:44
2004/3/26 7:04
From Nottingham, UK
Posts: 2944
As far as I can tell from having seen heaven and the spirit realm.

I would say that it is, certain of us do not possess the true concept of oneness in us.

Heaven is oneness certain people/spirits are stuborn, impatient, ect

Here in this realm we get a chance to overcome these hurdles, through tests.
so seeing who is truly ready for oneness, as heaven is perfect and anything less would make it not heaven.

Ego is one of the worst culprits, as most people don`t realise this independance seperates us from oneness and God.

N B with U
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Re: Principles Posted on: 2005/7/9 7:42
Just popping in
2005/6/27 4:57
Posts: 6
I completely agree but something more than "ego" or "pride" is killing us - at the point of dying one may let go and realize that life doesn't value that which ego or pride covets. Instead some do let go and still die - why?

IMO - there are principles in motion that stand true since the beginning of creation. These are that the body doesn't live by bread alone but from every word of God - sounds familiar it should - without knowledge one will never survive - if you are lost in a forest or jungle - without survival skills of starting a fire or tying a wound you will eventually die. Now if given the proper instructions survival is guaranteed.

These principles are that the body can't live without the mind - but the mind can't live without the soul - think about this! Without hope - without positive influence how can anyone survive? All that is true and positive stems from God and Jesus - every word that was laid out for all to read was to ensure your survival in this jungle we call Life. If you don't posses these instructions you have already committed a sin and the wages - the punishment of sin is death [Romans 6:23] not because of God - but because you did not prepare yourself - maybe because of a sale that was going on or the party coming up - that you did not even bother to save yourself.

Remember when you were younger - speaking to the older's here - you felt as i did - invincible death was something that could not be understood let alone happen - what happenned along the way that we began to embrace this notion of dying - was it that everybody does it so let's do it too. No brothers and sisters - it's we stop listening to our souls - we were without blemish in our youth and as we matured we began to embrace negative thoughts and actions - little by little we traded our souls for sins. To the youth - never leave Jesus - he will ensure health and beauty to your eternal life [John 11:26].

Here's something i picked up along my struggle against the forces of Destruction - for every negative thought replace it immediately with a positive thought and be forgiving - remember if people are mean with you it's because they are threatened by you and feel the need to belittle you to their level - don't - know they are victims of their own doing and forgive them for being week.

Be sinless and live forever - and don't forget the Commandments especially the fourth one.
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