Oneness - True Faith
The Journey of Light and Dwarf Stars Posted on: 2008/7/5 13:55
2004/3/26 7:04
From Nottingham, UK
Posts: 2885
Current scientific belief concerning stars:
yellow sun -> red sun -> white sun

Is it just me or does anyone else notice something wrong with this pattern?

What is the journey of light doing the opposite for?
Why when you have a campfire, does the fire work in the opposite direction?

So the point is like this:
Black flames = vapours + also causing retraction of air causing vacuums (i.e. Blackholes).
Red flames = near cooling (sun grows in size, as it tries to gain more fuels).
Orange = burning on vapours more then fuel.
Yellow = hot and burning fuel.
White = vast capacities of fuel for burn, plus near by energy sources (gravity caused by chain reactions and near by newly formed star systems, could cause the fuels to super heat, thus causing white dwarfs.
white -> yellow -> orange -> red -> black

As in the example and this explanation; personally can not understand the scientific principles the other way around, as almost everything we've seen in life works this way?
The other thing just noticed whilst searching this; our first discovery of white dwarf stars are in Sirius, strange both the Mayan and Egyptian monuments point to it?

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