Oneness - True Faith
Typo's Across the Site Posted on: 2008/7/11 11:37
2004/3/26 7:04
From Nottingham, UK
Posts: 2885
Really sorry that once upon a time my English was terrible and this shows across the site, this was due to being brought up in England and our school systems sucks....
Also that punctuation, grammar and most of the important items had never really been taught us....

I've recently learned the most about language with code and using ; means an end of a statement....From schooling i literally had no clue what it meant, which is strange considering i do have a photographic spirit...

So i would like to apologize if in any of my earlier posts the grammar isn't as meant.
Most people who know me, say it can still be understood, yet those who don't this is an attempt to get to know you....
So will edit my old posts and fix it for easier reading.... (all help pointing out where would be accepted)...

N B with U
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