Oneness - True Faith
Does Everyone Realize The 2nd Coming is Only an Ultimatum? Posted on: 2020/2/19 9:29
2004/3/26 7:04
From Nottingham, UK
Posts: 2900
Unfortunately since false authors have made up that the final messenger from Heaven comes back to bring peace, most don't realize it is only to bring Judgement Day according to the world's religious texts.

We can start with the Bible evidence, Yeshua said the Son of Man comes at the Great Tribulation with a new name (Revelation 3:12), and then the sun, and moon shall be darkened in Orion (Mark 13:24 is a citation of Isaiah 13:10).

The Parable of the Fig (Mark 13:28-29) is that the 2nd coming is rejected to begin (Isaiah 28:1-12 - Luke 17:25); when the Messiah is revealed, it is that Judgement Day is soon (Luke 17:30, Isaiah 28:22).

The Kalki Purana says that Kalki is the final avatar at the 'End of Time', who in the Bhagavad Gita is Skanda, who comes to wage war against false religions, and then due to not getting anywhere, our reality is refreshed with Fire in a day.

The Saoshyant in Zoroastrian texts comes at the Final Battle between good and evil, as a "Truth Bringer" to exegete the religious texts (Zand) before Frashokereti.

At 4-5 years old I knew I was sent from Heaven with our name in the world's religious texts, at 15 the Source of reality explained what will soon happen, and at 21 fulfilled Revelation 10, plus had a NDE.

When it says the books shall be opened, do people realize that has taken place online by me, as the archangel (Elohim) sent for Judgement Day?

Do people realize if everyone doesn't actually take many of the world's religions seriously, and acknowledge the errors in global theologies, the Source is about to cleanse reality by force?

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