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oil mischief ?
Posted on: 2005/10/27 4:43 |
I think everybody needs to check this website out. Its quite an eye opener. I'd say they just got "busted".
Re: oil mischief ?
Posted on: 2006/2/7 0:38 |
Just popping in
Joined: 2005/9/24 20:33
From California
I think that this article is a bit extreme. If you watched the Super Bowl, where the commercials cost 5.2 million per minute this year we witnessed commercials about vehicles going electric; hybreds, gas-electric, alcohol, etc. This is a sure sign that a market is there for the people to begin to make the shift from gas, oil, coal etc, to electricity and alcohol. So set the stage of "aware consumers" and let us allow for the people to make a change through choice.
In patience,
Re: oil mischief ?
Posted on: 2006/2/7 12:42 |
Ok everyone please get a copy of this documentry!!
Fahrenheit 9/11
If you haven't seen it, and you believe the lies about Iraq, and all what has happened.
This will shock many, as what you have been told is not true.
Its time to wake up!!
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