Oneness - True Faith
ZanNixBo Poem Posted on: 2020/12/13 12:24
2004/3/26 7:04
From Nottingham, UK
Posts: 2922
A metaphysical poetic pose,
For those who know:
Whereas Unix, Linux, and ZanNixBo,
Used to run the show,
Times are a changing to a different glow.
Understand that Zan was Zeus,
Nyx is the primordial chaos of reality,
Bo is the rivers flow,
That made this show...
Now unravelled over time,
Hope Chronos is doing fine,
Playing with Logic before the End of the Rhyme.
Mu came from an Island in the Pacific,
With its collapse horrific;
As people didn't heed the prophets being specific,
Even though their message was prolific.

N B with U
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