Oneness - True Faith
What is the Parable of the Fig Posted on: 2024/8/29 22:19
2004/3/26 7:04
From Nottingham, UK
Posts: 2944
When Yeshua referenced the Parable of the Fig before summer (Matthew 24:29-35, Mark 13:24-31, Luke 21:25-33), the timeline presented in the eschatology, is at the time before Nation is against Nation, then the sun & moon shall be darkened, and the stars shall fall from the sky.

My earliest memories were that I've been sent before the Great Tribulation, where from my visions, & what scripture suggests, I've been sent before Betelgeuse goes supernova at Judgement Day, then God is going to recreate reality, and bring some of us back into a new reality after.

The 'Fig' before 'Summer' is a citation of Isaiah 28:4, where the Son of Man returns to challenge the religious leaders, for putting the Gentiles into a Covenant with Death (Isaiah 28:15+18), in the Bed of Adultery (Isaiah 28:20-21), where Judgement is about to come on all of mankind (Revelation 2:22).

When I was 21 three years before reading the Bible, I fulfilled Revelation 10 on a sacred mountain, where I was shown how the Messiah was sent to set a Snare, to see who'd listen properly; then on studying the Bible, I've realized that is what Isaiah 8:11-22 declares - that Immanuel would see who listens to the Law & Testimony of the Lord.

The wording in Isaiah 8:14-15 is the same as we find in Isaiah 28:13, where by the lack of respect for God's Laws, God has the right to remove many from reality at Judgement Day - because they defile precept upon precept, and law upon law.

Now though I'd love to be heard by everyone, Isaiah 28:9 explains how though I've been taught advanced concepts by God since childhood, many will reject me, as I speak a different language other than Hebrew (Isaiah 28:11-12), some will reject as they drink (Isaiah 28:7), so they can't even keep up with the precepts, and it sounds like senseless gibberish to them (Isaiah 28:13), and some will just mock it all (Isaiah 28:22).

Yet this is all before Judgement comes on mankind, mainly because we are about to destroy ourselves anyway, through things like climate damage (Revelation 16:8-9), the corruption of the Bible by the Pharisaic authors (John, Paul, Simon) soon creating Armageddon (Revelation 16:14-16), and God gets to keep those who honour what God says, as Betelgeuse goes supernova (Revelation 16:17-21).

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