Oneness - True Faith
Getting a more successful point across. Don't abuse this! Posted on: 2006/1/29 3:22
Just can't stay away
2005/9/25 0:48
From Stockton California
Posts: 108
Say what it is you mean in the widest and the best number of different variations you can think of. Then describe each one in different words, yet concluding the same definition. For example, here's one that Ghandi said.. and since I love it so much; I'll improve upon it even more so it has a wider impact. Wider impact is only a result of a better understanding from the reader/listener. Make them understand and feel the emotion and truth, and they will change. Just as I have.

*original quote* Ghandi, "We are the change we wish to see in the world."

We are the change that we desire. Act accordingly.

The change we hope for is within the people that can realize it needs to be changed; We walk amongst the desired change, which is the people.

Change will not come to one, one must make change. In these times of poverty and terror there is no room for procrastination.

Let's be the change we wish to see you guys. There's no one to blame in the end but ourselves. Let's do this.
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Re: Getting a more successful point across. Don't abuse this! Posted on: 2006/1/30 10:18
2004/3/26 7:04
From Nottingham, UK
Posts: 2945
Thxz for a excellent post, I was pondering what to quote to go over and I think and feel no one understands this, so lets have a look.

Luk 5:39 Also no one having drunk old wine immediately desires new, for he says, The old is better.

Now this is following where he is saying about the old skins; yet I still don't understand and can't find the logic he was using in saying that about the old skins, if anyone does please help as I have tried baffling my self in understanding it?

Yet anyways this bit I feel is actually referring to the drinking of wine and not so much spiritual as the rest of the sentence was and this was a closing, to point how people do this.

You see when someone is drunk how many times they start discussing the past, as if they are still living it. For me now I have stopped drinking for about 2 years now and I am forward thinking; I know if I have a drink I regress and question my past. This is one of the reasons I stopped drinking, as I can't stand it!

This is another point to Kali, as while we hold our self's in time by going backwards like this in consciousness. We limit our self's, this is most clearly seen when I travel and come back to the UK; all my friends in the pub; are still in the pub and nothing has changed, even the conversations remain the same.

Now back to the quote if Christ were to have said this in the sense of drink and be merry that would defy his own principles. So he couldn't have meant that, as on a number of occasions he ask not to be a drinker, if you are true follower of the way.

The reason being is a Nazarite (separated to God) must not drink, old grapes, no vinegar either.

So clearly he wasn't saying to all the people who would rather believe the Pharisees that it is ok to drink. It almost like our politicians today, they increase the tax's on beer, yet not spirits as they drink them their self's.

With this point watch it and see, if you know a drinker, watch the conversation progress as you talk and they get drunk; more and more they talk about the past events.

Now with this point, just to Finnish, in the beginning we were on a higher frequency.

Then according to Buddha, Moses and many others, we eat something that dropped our frequency....What did we eat?

According to Moses a fruit that when eaten made us realise we were naked and gave us an ego.

What happens if you leave a pineapple for a little bit?

It ferments!! We get an EGO! We think about the opposite sex!

We think about the past and so cause an opening in time, we fall from the constant now, we see things in duality and realise there is events of good and evil.

To me this makes sense, also that people lived longer as all they eat was alive, no dead animal, no rotten fruit, everything in the now! Pure spirit!

Anyway I will find another point to add on a more positive as you have done, yet when I wake up and my mind is clear, I just thought what to add, and that popped into my head.

N B with U
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