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!em fo eroM
Posted on: 2006/2/1 20:20 |
Just can't stay away 
Joined: 2005/9/25 0:48
From Stockton California
Blink, blink. The stars twinkle in my eyes.
Where does it end, where does it begin?
Have you ever thought about eternity?
Eternal doubt upon knowing knowledge.
Stop learning, it only makes you more confused.
Breathe from the eyes and taste the scenery. Pinks, yellows and greens, give sound some color.
Are we aware of what it is we are apart of? Is it aware of us?
Are we aware that we are aware.... and aware that we are aware that we are aware. Does this illusion ever stop?
Sucked into chronological faith. Waiting for who to save you? What about theirs?
A revelation of nothing... *sigh* it finally siezes my unnerving stress. It's all about nothing all along. Go back to how you were as a child; Knowing nothing and learning all. Be happy, let go of restraints.
The Messenger
Re: !em fo eroM
Posted on: 2006/2/12 12:55 |
Not too shy to talk 
Joined: 2004/4/15 15:00
From SomeWhere
 +  = ME
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