Oneness - True Faith
If you walking in someones living rooms do you say hello? Posted on: 2006/9/30 17:45
2004/3/26 7:04
From Nottingham, UK
Posts: 2921
I find it really strange that no one says hello... this site has a real time chat for months now yet in a year hardly any of you would?

Is that not crazy???
For me it is as this is my living room for years now and so, it is strange that though I try my best to talk to you all most are fearful of something?? half wait for?

Well unlike many who wait we work and try and prove oneness all day in our efforts...
We don't work; other then helpping people and this is what most prophets have been trying to teach so regardless of where or whom you are reality starts when we live it for others and not our selfs....

So take the time as other people will read what you put on here and thousands, then is it not worth taking the time to add points of your ideas of oneness and how this can happen....

As it is through people speaking up that we have this better world we have today else it would be far worse....

most live in this fantasy land we are getting worse...this again is maddness as 100 years ago it was pistols at dawn

Now we get a few shooting and we hear of these we think its all gone bad???

Again stop with the fear and start living it...

Now if people do and try and make a break from the normal of needing a preconditioned box or stero-type website in which to express them selfs...
Then maybe we can start to spread dao throughout as should have been ages ago....

so if you are alive and walk in my living room as you have to be reading this to do so...
Anwser back it is really rude to ignore someone like many have and will continue to do so...

We don't demand anything just people to at least comment and feed back please

Hello is a good start or hola or dzene dobre or bon jour the list contiunes, yet do we ?

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Re: If you walking in someones living rooms do you say hello? Posted on: 2006/10/4 11:04
2004/3/26 7:04
From Nottingham, UK
Posts: 2921
Since no one has if you do post, it sort of like a time warp not for me...
Yet the sites Cache's are on full, so odd things may be posted yet take a time to apper like a week...

I don't know how can people not even make the time or effort to say hello?
Press the [ qOLOp ] and there is a chat system that is in real time world say hello at any point in the day and we will get back to you....

Then one day may have to turn the cache's off again...
When someone else decides they want a better world and work towards it in oneness...
Like we try too for you all who look at this...
so If I do; we can, and imagine the infleunce all of us have...together in oneness

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