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Pazand, is this refering to the pharisee church!!
Posted on: 2006/6/4 11:57 |
Joined: 2004/3/26 7:04
From Nottingham, UK
Quote: For thirty years he (i.e., Ahriman) could not commit any sin (i.e., harm). He (Tahmurasp) killed many (devs) demons, and fairies9 and devils, and he separated the demons from all connection and company of men. 9. pairikas. -JHP From Vivangha were born a man and woman -- were born Jama and Jamai. And Jamshed (Jama) was (possessed) of a good retinue, full of glory, of laborious habits, liberal, and successful. He took the seven countries (of the world) under his sovereignty. (He ruled) over men and demons seven hundred and seventeen years and seven months and five days.10. Clouds, wind, (and) rain were under his command. He gave the demons, the devils and the Drujs in the complete service of man (i.e., he subdued them for the good of mankind).11 The demons prepared food12 for men. Men were living in a state of easiness, fulfilling their desires. In the rulership of that Jamshed, there was neither cold nor heat, neither old age nor plague, (or untimely death), nor envy given by the demons.13 He (Jamshed) kept them away from work (i.e., counteracted their influence). He deprived of sight seven fairies, who, like a star which moves in its revolution, wandered from stars to stars. He imprisoned them and made them blind with one eye. Again he took a promise from them. He arranged cold and heat, (and) everything according to (a) measure (i.e., moderately). He made the world more prosperous. For complete 717 years and 7 months he was thankful to God. For 100 years he went away with the woman Jamai secretly to the sea in despair.14 Then, after being both grateful and well-asked for., when he became a speaker of untruth, when his splendor and glory were displeased with him, misfortune overtook him. The accursed Az-Dahak Zohak, whom they call Baevar-aspa, with the prince15 Spediver16 and with may demons caught him, slew him17, and took up one thousand rays from it (i.e., Jamshed's Glory).
Also one eye as Paul had? very similiar the mystry thickens... any help is appreciated 
Re: Pazand, is this refering to the pharisee church!!
Posted on: 2006/6/4 18:42 |
cool, I think you are talking about the one eyed dude who is hiding somewhere and waiting til I am know to everybody, I expect him and not afraid of him period, I was dealing with him by myself know body but allah allow knowing that and I shine over him and his followers now most of his follows being my followers and loving me to death I always see hollywood talking good about me and show me postive feed back I so nobody against me at all, even before I learned that I was the guided one I saw nobody saying negative things exect one woman who was saying I was ### lier making reaction on email I sent to the white house, this was about year and half ago so I must think outside the box as they told me too many times and as they said I was thinking about outside the box as I love to think outside the box more better. to start with you zanda, brother I believe you are someone is helping me and sponsoring my daily show which I see the reaction everyday, I live in the us the media capital of the world, and I see they are my best friends, they taught me and I learned from them, they were my parents for long time, and I am a grown man today who understands the meaning of family, they are my family I lived together we infuelenced each other, so I must show them respect, I they showed them respect even not seeing respect from me sometimes, I must not see the american government or the isreal government who was making money out of my stories who was making daily shows songs movies and many more, but it was the antichrist and his friends but woe to him he will be destroyed, as he does not have that much power now he is weak and I will prove that wait til the world wide knows my existance and wait you til the worldwide knows your existance, and I will you show you can doing nothing, you spent your time and your time has been expired, when the world knows us being here that is when my adminisration will take full control of every matter and you will hit the road to the hell fire, dajjal I knew your time was near before I dealt with you and starting doing collobartive bussiness with you but prais is do to the lord who made me one who will stand against you, who didn't made me one who will work with you and wellcome you, when I was around 16 I asked the lord to make me someone even you woe to someone who does have knowlage, allah made me someone who will serve him, not you who will work against human, surelly you are slave of the world, and you serve him your way, many will be lead by and many will be guided by, what ever you do you do it against yourself, everone has his own life, no one can harm anyone and no one can save anyone, woe to the ignorant who ignore the truth and signs who allah who are not preparing fearing the dangour of the last days, surelly many you did mislead, and many were saven, let me close your subject dajjal, and see you later! wizanda I hope you read your private messages , I sent you to messages days ago and I didn't receive feed back from you, I believe you didn't read this sites mailbox messages, I will send you new prive messages, so read them insha allah, peace and this was my help on this topic salam
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