Oneness - True Faith
Spider came from millions of year ago!! Posted on: 2006/6/21 8:26
2004/3/26 7:04
From Nottingham, UK
Posts: 2922
Please stop dissecting ancient life as spiders started life! Please look at these articles!

Yes they get big and scare us we know even little ones, yet where does life come from remember that before you kill one next time!

BBC report on 20 million year old spider!!Second one on BBC spider
This is the key to alot 8 legs is more advanced and has Ink? books time? where from better stop hurting them as they are our selfs!

N B with U
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Re: Spider came from millions of year ago!! Posted on: 2006/6/21 8:31
2004/3/26 7:04
From Nottingham, UK
Posts: 2922
Also considering small animals also carry there own space suit and weigh nothing? who is in advance of the other?

We have seen strange bugs and ate them? where did they come from? and where did life come from?
So remember all is life and God made all!
So not to kill anything no matter how ugly it is as you never know!
You may look like that really inside?

N B with U
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Re: Spider came from millions of year ago!! Posted on: 2006/6/21 8:35
2004/3/26 7:04
From Nottingham, UK
Posts: 2922
Please don't leave this world to the cocaroachers as the name impy to some as God is stepping in if you do and we are scared as we have been asked to watch and help people see the light rather then darkness before it is to late.
As God trancesended being a Spider ages ago to catch mosquitoes, yet many of you have not reconized this as beauty and so kill the one thing we know now we came from so show repect to God and that mean all of man kind!

N B with U
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Re: Spider came from millions of year ago!! Posted on: 2006/6/21 8:47
2004/3/26 7:04
From Nottingham, UK
Posts: 2922
If you look at this name in english Filistatidae = flint stones where they are Spiders (God is creative EGG of spider, like child), that are way in advance of our selfs even till this day and we still have much to learn, if we didn't chop it up!
We would see that the web and structral design is far better still then our own and is need for space shuttle design as we slowly seem to see!

God is a creative spider now with in reality and not as people think in the universe alone!!
So please warn people not to hurt reality and think badly smile every one emosmile...

Honestly the fake church of 'I am or spire =ch monument = th or Th....As H=God's breath small or large...still as langauge stems from aarroncient Eygption and many others who don't say 'I am' or as jerimaiah puts it 'God says= Fake prophet'

Come on everyone learn the song it's not hard and then we can see the true mustard seed!
Yet we fear many have been way laid with fear and doubt from fake warned of them who say 'I am' as Christ = we are one family of GOD's not 2 and anyone who says otherwise is a bit loopy as we see from history books now we have the net to understand fishing better.

Rememebr God is light and as such even in word it does shine for love is all part of this rhyme

N B with U
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