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Re: Industrial Society Destroys Mind and Environment
Posted on: 2006/7/4 22:02 |
Joined: 2004/3/26 7:04
From Nottingham, UK
No one and with what measure you judge, you will be judge your self by. As if you are ugly on the inside you get to see it when you die so that is the judgement, as you have flesh to hide it in life when you are spirit alone you see who you truly are. We died at 23 and explained it in what we saw, in an article for everyone... Put it this way if you judgemental of others, there is know easy shortcut, if you don't know oneness, it goes right over your head. You were supposed to come back if you lucky as a tree, oops we chopped all the trees down?? This is why we have the reincarnation cycle, and the dimensions as for good and bad karma...
Only thing is we do feel this is the end of that age.. Soon...
So in frequency is much learned and if we as human race do destroy reality it is only those who can understand reality. Who will rebuild it and it is made of frequency as is the 3rd dimension which is sound, so considering most birds ways of communication are far in advance of our own; we haven't got that far have we really?
Re: Industrial Society Destroys Mind and Environment
Posted on: 2006/7/4 23:00 |
Exactly my point. You can't understand society if you are too busy judging it. Demanding that it be your way. The philosophy presented is used today in third world countries to keep the peasants uneducated and ill equipped to stand up for themselves. Has it been the answer for them? I would think they would beg to differ. A lack of thinking leads to social disorder and class inequities. Whether industrialized society is the healthiest choice for us is not for us as individuals to declare as wrong. As I grow spiritually I will, as one person, begin to make healthier choices. My choices will be seen by another who will have the opportunity to learn from me and thus continue the cycle of spiritual growth on the planet. Leading by example is how this world will be saved.
Re: Industrial Society Destroys Mind and Environment
Posted on: 2006/7/5 7:37 |
Joined: 2004/3/26 7:04
From Nottingham, UK
After having a perpetual motion generator that we have approached major invention centres in the UK, do you know what they told a 19 year old genius who hasn't studied physics at university levels. Yet understand practical of physics over theory and equations. That they had been to student houses, like my mums as its scruffy and far from bells and whistles and in a humble life is far more learned then in a rich one, as we did have and my dad went to work in Africa with live aid after this he left business as he realized it is political and corrupts even the charities are. So follow pipe dreams of industrial community that care for others and we call this London, as it is the coldest city going as many foreigner's say and me working meeting most surrounding London industrial areas. Show what you are saying that industrial sounds is in anyway helping matters and will eventfully is false, as we analysed huge groups of people in different towns and see the effect of a more industrial town or farming town to begin. One is warm hearted and open streeting as you needed the space for horse and carts, they know so much the redesigned Milton Keynes from the bottom up, and guess what it is miserable it takes you to long to get from a-b as the streets are far to wide spread. Instead of anyone listening to each other they listened to grinding machines and so missed the point of community and community spaces that are needed.
You seem nothing to do with this subject in some ways and it appears you anti-religious which is funny as so is this site. So where are you going more so we can understand you reasoning
Re: Industrial Society Destroys Mind and Environment
Posted on: 2006/7/5 13:06 |
I probably got off on the wrong foot showing judgment towards the author of the article which I appologize for. As for me I am spiritual in nature but do not partake of any particular religion. I believe in God but maybe not in the same sense that others do. My issue with the article was not to support industrial society as the answer. The point I was trying to make is if you judge society you judge all of humanity. Society is not all good but also not all bad. Understanding people's motivations helps you to bridge the gap for them towards achieving enlightenment. Interestingly enough, the author believes that we should all stop thinking and start living by emotion. That's a good theory except people have not learned how to control their emotions. Living purely by emotions without taking the time to contemplate your actions leads to impulsive behavior. Whether industrialized society is the reason or not it does seem as though people are becoming less emotional. I, however, do not necessarily think this is a bad thing. You even elude to this in your NDE article. Yes, there may come a time when a large part of the population seems devoid of emotion but this will only be a temporary transition. People are feeling that there is something missing in their life. They want to be happy and compassionate and don't want to be sad, angry or judgmental but they don't know how to separate the two. How to have love without hate. To get there you have to take a leap into the void. The void of an unemotional state. While there you can begin to understand the effects emotions have on your spirit good and bad. From this objective state you will start to see that it is possible to have love without hate. However, these people will feel quite lost for a time. And it will be our job as those who have already made the transition to help keep them grounded. And this can only happen by allowing people to make mistakes without holding judgment over them. Giving them the opportunity to see that happiness is not found in material possessions. It is found in the heart. But telling them this truth is only words. They have to live it to gain the understanding. And that my friend is the state of the world today. It is not a lost cause but a lesson many are learning with the opportunity the industrialized society is offering them. But judging the author about judging society is two wrongs not making a right and I will have to contemplate within myself why I chose that route. I will have to contemplate how to better phrase my language so as not to be judgmental about people who are judgmental.
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